Christmas Dinner with My Pro-Trump In-Laws Made it Clear That ‘Cult 45’ Is Holding Strong

Christmas Dinner with My Pro-Trump In-Laws Made it Clear That ‘Cult 45’ Is Holding Strong

Iwas fitting that this incredibly frustrating conversation occurred on Christmas because it had a lot of the markings of talking to a child about Santa Claus (which was also remarkably ironic given that, the night before, Trump himself, suffering a rare bout of truth-telling, essentially told a seven-year-old girl that there is no Santa Claus). No matter what facts I brought up, they had some sort of nonsensical, usually totally irrelevant, Fox News Channel-generated “response” ready to go.

It was all incredibly reminiscent of dealing with my six-year-old daughter’s increasing questions about Santa, only in reverse. When she asks how a rather large Santa can get down our rather narrow chimney, she is more than happy to uncritically accept that Santa has his tiny elves go down the small ones. Similarly, when Trump supporters are asked about whether the money they lost in the current stock correction has influenced their belief in Trump, they claim, with a straight face, that it’s all because the market, which usually loves political gridlock, is somehow terrified of Democrats taking over the House.

The biggest difference is that by next year, 2020 at the latest, my daughter is no longer going to blindly buy such silly rationalizations. I see no sign that the same can be said for the adults with whom I had Christmas dinner.

via Mediaite Christmas Dinner with My Pro-Trump In-Laws Made it Clear That ‘Cult 45’ Is Holding Strong

Trump measured #2 as most admired man in US, right behind Obama.

Weird world we are living in, twilight zone stuff.

One thought on “Christmas Dinner with My Pro-Trump In-Laws Made it Clear That ‘Cult 45’ Is Holding Strong

  1. I remember th Donald Trump Trivial Pursuits edition of 1984. I told my friend what a crook the guy was, and that Trump was marketing the game because of a recent bankrupcy.
    No that everyone knows it is insane and incompetent as well as criminal, they are flying it around the world to prop it up. Even worse that Trumpy Bear

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