Why The US Lost Vietnam War On Communism And Why It Will Continue To Lose Wars Despite Winning Every Battle And Having 1,000 Foreign Military Bases Globally, Via Deadly Poison Elixir of Arrogance, Hubris, Greed, War Profiteering, Denial, Delusion, Fear, Hatred | A Green Road Journal

Remember that the war in Vietnam was allegedly a war against Communism. Yet today, Communists are the best friends of the US in Communist China, and Communist Vietnam. How and when did America lose the war on Communism? via Why The US Lost Vietnam War On Communism And Why It Will Continue To Lose Wars … Continue reading Why The US Lost Vietnam War On Communism And Why It Will Continue To Lose Wars Despite Winning Every Battle And Having 1,000 Foreign Military Bases Globally, Via Deadly Poison Elixir of Arrogance, Hubris, Greed, War Profiteering, Denial, Delusion, Fear, Hatred | A Green Road Journal