Dangerous radioactive hot particles span the globe — Beyond Nuclear International | Japan Safety : Nuclear Energy Updates

Dangerous radioactive hot particles span the globe — Beyond Nuclear International | Japan Safety : Nuclear Energy Updates

” When reactors exploded and melted down at the Fukushima nuclear power complex in March 2011, they launched radioactivity from their ruined cores into the unprotected environment. Some of this toxic radioactivity was in the form of hot particles (radioactive microparticles) that congealed and became airborne by attaching to dusts and traveling great distances.

However, the Fukushima disaster is only the most recent example of atomic power and nuclear weapons sites creating and spreading these microparticles. Prior occurrences include various U.S. weapons sites and the ruined Chernobyl reactor. While government and industry cover up this hazard, community volunteer citizen science efforts – collaborations between scientists and community volunteers – are tracking the problem to raise awareness of its tremendous danger in Japan and across the globe.

via Dangerous radioactive hot particles span the globe — Beyond Nuclear International | Japan Safety : Nuclear Energy Updates