Story Of Jesus Barabbas – Fill My Cup Lord; Spiritual Leaks And How To Plug Them, With Divine Peace, Joy, Love And Purpose In Life

A ship only floats if the amount of water leaking in can be pumped out over the longer term, thus preventing the boat from sinking and becoming worthless. A ship can handle a very small leak, but like numerous large leaks in a bucket of water, too many large leaks in a boat, in a … Continue reading Story Of Jesus Barabbas – Fill My Cup Lord; Spiritual Leaks And How To Plug Them, With Divine Peace, Joy, Love And Purpose In Life

Slovenian nuclear plant shut due to leak in containment building

Hanford; Leaking Radioactive Gas Into Air and Toxic Fluids Into Columbia River

There are 177 tanks full of the most toxic, most highly radioactive waste products in the world, all of them concentrated at the Hanford Site. These 177 tanks were built in 1943, and are made of concrete and metal. A few of these tanks have double carbon steel liners. The Dept. of Energy knew back in … Continue reading Hanford; Leaking Radioactive Gas Into Air and Toxic Fluids Into Columbia River

Dr. Paolo Scampa Reports That Fukushima Released 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation “Dr Paolo Scampa, a widely know EU Physicist, single handedly popularized the easily understood Lethal Doses concept. “Lethal Doses”; what does it mean?Dr. Paolo has estimated that Fukushima in total has released radiation that equals approximately "three thousand billion (3,000,000,000,000) lethal doses of radiation. This is up from about 70 Billion = 70,000,000,000 Billion … Continue reading Dr. Paolo Scampa Reports That Fukushima Released 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply

 In a rough transcript of the above video; Dr. Caldicott MD (a pediatrician) reports that radioactive tritium is highly carcinogenic, which means it is causing cancers. The cancer rate goes up in children the closer they live to nuclear power plants. These nuclear plants regularly release all kinds of cancer causing radioactive materials, including argon, … Continue reading 75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply

Fukushima Leaking Radioactive Water Into Ocean Plume

In the following video, Arnie Gunderson talks about 200 tons of highly radioactive water being 'leaked' into the ocean, PER DAY. This leaking of radioactive water continues today at a reduced rate, via leaking basements with cracks in them, radiation contaminated groundwater, 65 ton corium blobs that have exited more than one reactor buildings, and broken … Continue reading Fukushima Leaking Radioactive Water Into Ocean Plume