Tim Deere-Jones Report; Marine Fukushima Radioactivity In Sea Water

The above video provides evidence that massive amounts of radiation were and still are being discharged (on purpose) into the ocean from Fukushima. TEPCO has been and still is dumping MASSIVE amounts of highly radioactive water into the ocean on NUMEROUS occasions. They dumped around 10,000 tons at a time... despite protests from local fishermen … Continue reading Tim Deere-Jones Report; Marine Fukushima Radioactivity In Sea Water

Veterans Compensated For Exposure To Depleted Uranium Radiation/Poison; What About Everyone Else?

According to the Dept. Of Veteran Affairs; "The U.S. military uses tank armor and some bullets made with depleted uranium (DU) to penetrate enemy armored vehicles, and began using DU on a large scale during the 1990-1991 Gulf War.The process of manufacturing enriched uranium from natural uranium used in nuclear reactors or weapons leaves “depleted” … Continue reading Veterans Compensated For Exposure To Depleted Uranium Radiation/Poison; What About Everyone Else?

Depleted Uranium – Physicians For Social Responsibility

According to the Physicians For Social Responsibility; "The 1991 Persian Gulf War saw the use of advanced U.S. weaponry that devastated targets in Iraq while allowing the coalition forces to declare victory with limited military losses. Numerous developments in technology contributed to U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf’s success, including the use of depleted uranium (DU). The … Continue reading Depleted Uranium – Physicians For Social Responsibility

Dr. Ernest Sternglass; Childhood Cancers/Deaths Caused By Nuclear Power Plants

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass is a professor of radiological physics Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. He starts off by saying that Dr. John Goffman MD PhD was a highly respected medical doctor and taught nuclear physics. Dr. Goffman said that at the time 20 nuclear power plants were operating normally in the USA, (1958) that … Continue reading Dr. Ernest Sternglass; Childhood Cancers/Deaths Caused By Nuclear Power Plants

UK Established Animal Radiation ‘Controls’ Due To Cesium Contamination

After the meltdown and melt through happened at Chernobyl, dangerous levels of radiation spread far and wide for thousands of square miles, including into areas such as UK, Scotland, Russia, Norway, Belarus and many other countries.Some countries like the UK established controls on the eating of meat from animals that were in areas contaminated with … Continue reading UK Established Animal Radiation ‘Controls’ Due To Cesium Contamination

Pets, Animals And Radioactive Contamination In Shelters Or Homes

Granted, most people love their pets as much as their kids, and sometimes maybe even more. But imagine that you are in a radioactive fallout zone and radiation is all around you. You are fleeing the danger zone. Will you take your pet(s) with you? If you are in a radiation fallout zone, you more than … Continue reading Pets, Animals And Radioactive Contamination In Shelters Or Homes

Fukushima Leaking Radioactive Water Into Ocean Plume

In the following video, Arnie Gunderson talks about 200 tons of highly radioactive water being 'leaked' into the ocean, PER DAY. This leaking of radioactive water continues today at a reduced rate, via leaking basements with cracks in them, radiation contaminated groundwater, 65 ton corium blobs that have exited more than one reactor buildings, and broken … Continue reading Fukushima Leaking Radioactive Water Into Ocean Plume

Uranium Mines Dot Navajo Land, Neglected and Still Perilous

CAMERON, Ariz. — "In the summer of 2010, a Navajo cattle rancher named Larry Gordy stumbled upon an abandoned uranium mine in the middle of his grazing land and figured he had better call in the feds. Engineers from the Environmental Protection Agency arrived a few months later, Geiger counters in hand, and found radioactivity … Continue reading Uranium Mines Dot Navajo Land, Neglected and Still Perilous

Three Mile Island Radiation Release Coverups Exposed

In this article, we will explore whether a coverup happened after Three Mile Island. We will also see if this coverup perhaps exposes a pattern of coverups after every nuclear accident, or is it a one time event? Finally, we will explore your concerns, that if a coverup happened, how this coverup scenario affects you … Continue reading Three Mile Island Radiation Release Coverups Exposed