10 Ways Your Adult Children Need Your Encouragement

You may not agree with all their choices, but it’s good to show you care by listening to them and asking what they are enjoying about their life and their choices. Be authentic in agreeing to disagree at times. Remember to remind them that you love them forever.

They may make different choices in what church to attend, where to volunteer, and more. They need to carve out their own lives and simply want us to accept that they made their own decisions. This includes accepting their spouse when they marry and praising the good qualities you see in that person. Acceptance gives them a sense of belonging and still being part of the family even as it extends wider.

Hugs show you care, and smiles, when you taste a bite of a meal they prepared or open a gift they give you, show approval. Compliments on how they decorated their own place show you accept their style. Those little signs of acceptance make a difference.
