Sea Moss: Benefits, Nutrition, and How to Prepare It "Some of the main potential benefits of using sea moss may include: May support thyroid health. Seaweeds are rich in iodine Trusted Source, a micronutrient necessary for healthy thyroid function. May support immunity. One study Trusted Source in salmon found that supplemental seaweed improved immune modulation and immune response. Scientists need … Continue reading NUTRITION BENEFITS OF SEA MOSS AND HOW TO PREPARE/USE IT

Measles vaccines kill more people than measles, CDC data proves – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD

Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the disease itself. Comparative data provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveal that nobody has died … Continue reading Measles vaccines kill more people than measles, CDC data proves – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD

The Anti-Candida Diet: The Strongest Candida Killers | Amy Myers MD

The Anti-Candida Diet: The Strongest Candida Killers The Candida diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet intended to eliminate the sugars that feed Candida overgrowth. It focuses on non-starchy vegetables such as asparagus, bean sprouts, beets, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower), leafy greens… the list goes on. However, there are a few foods allowed on the Candida … Continue reading The Anti-Candida Diet: The Strongest Candida Killers | Amy Myers MD

The Top 23 Warning Signs of Nutrient, Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies You Need to Know – YouTube 0:00 Introduction: Nutrient deficiencies 0:25 The main causes of nutrient deficiencies 1:50 Signs of a nutrient deficiency 23:37 Check out my video on how to identify a liver problem by looking at the foot! 23 different signs your body is deficient in nutrients and what to do: 1. A white spot on the nail … Continue reading The Top 23 Warning Signs of Nutrient, Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies You Need to Know – YouTube

The Only Way to Be Healthy in 2020 – YouTube

VIDEO: HUMOR; Healthy habits like exercise, nutrition, and good sleep won’t make you healthy anymore. It’s 2020 and our health authorities are making sure we don’t discuss those habits, because they don’t work anymore. With the pandemic in 2020, this video will show you the only way to be healthy. How to be healthy … Continue reading The Only Way to Be Healthy in 2020 – YouTube

Dr. Mercola; Root Canals And Heart Attack/Disease Link

Find out the health risks that root canals pose to your heart.  95% of all dentists and doctors do not understand the dangers and links between root canals and heart disease.If you have a tooth infection, it can affect your whole body, your heart, your skin and energy. The reason you get infected teeth is … Continue reading Dr. Mercola; Root Canals And Heart Attack/Disease Link

A former model beats breast cancer with food and nutrition

A former model beats breast cancer with food and nutrition, rejecting toxic chemotherapy: Beating Breast Cancer Holistically and NaturallyMany cancer patients are financially ruined even when they DO HAVE insurance. The most common reason for financial ruin and bankruptcy is because of medical bills. There are co pays, deductibles and other hidden costs associated with … Continue reading A former model beats breast cancer with food and nutrition