100 Bible Verses On Deliverance From Demons, Demonic Attacks And Demonic Forces In World; 3rd Temple Prophecies

1 John 4:4  Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Luke 10:19  Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
2 Timothy 4:18  The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Many more verses on deliverance from demons, attacks, etc; https://www.openbible.info/topics/deliverance_from_demonic_attack

The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. (Psalm 27: 1-2)


All dark demonic and Satanic forces rely on greed, top down corrupt power, lies, mammon, deception and secrecy, operating under their own authority, which is separate from, ‘above’ God, or not needing God’s input or correction.

Truth and truth tellers are viewed as a mortal threat to demonic dark lords, who do nothing more than lie, kill, steal, destroy and harm people as well as the planet.

When in doubt about whether something is demonic, or if someone is allied with demons, keep asking questions, praying and going deeper. Pay attention to the gut feeling, as lies often sound good, but feel all wrong/bad/off.

Truth tellers and those associated with light do not mind answering questions with truth and/or going deeper. Demonic forces and their allies hate anyone who asks questions and especially those that go deeper than a shallow surface layer. Demons see questions as a threat and danger. Assume that anyone who refuses to answer questions and/or anyone who is lying, as being demon led, or as an ally to demons, until proven otherwise.

Research any specific subject, even if it is widely accepted and/or the norm in society, especially if a large top down organization is involved. Ask deeper questions. Follow the money. Who profits and who loses? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things that are not known… Surrender what you think you know, surrender all your beliefs, knowledge and certainty and keep an open mind.

Job 12:22 He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

PRAY: My lord, reveal the deep things of darkness and bring utter darkness into the light, in the name of Jesus Christ.

What might the Holy Spirit reveal to those who have an open mind and heart?

Link to article about government as well as Big Pharma lying, denying and covering up dangers of Covid Jabs LINK

FLCCC alliance statement on settlement with US government censoring news, fearmongering and blocking use of a legal medication for PROFIT and POWER. Would this fit into definition of demonic allies? https://flccc.substack.com/p/flccc-alliance-statement-on-the-settlement?

Question everything, assume nothing. Even the scientific method involves deep questioning, and verifying all supposed ‘evidence’ with placebos.. No vaccine has ever been tested against a true pure water placebo. Why not?

Do your own research, and trust no worldly ‘authority’… especially around unelected top down bureaucrats and billionaires who tell everyone what to believe, and how to think, and what to do… while demanding unconditional obedience, loyalty and submissiveness.


Not everyone is demon possessed, but no demon possessed person can say; “Jesus Christ is my Lord”.

When counseling those who might be demon possessed, how does a counselor tell if demons are the problem, or if mental illness, or something else is?

Dark demonic forces can take over, influence, or control people who are operating outside of the protection of Christ, Holy Spirit and God. Even inside of places of worship, it is possible for demonic influence to affect people. Let’s look at just one example.


Jewish scribes were the ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ of their day, and are still the same today. What do they have to say about Jesus Christ? A person possessed by or allied with demons may accuse Jesus Christ or any Christian of being possessed by demons or controlled by Satan, thus denying the power of Christ, and denying that Christ is God.

Demons are real, in the form of fallen angels. Angels exist, both on the light and darkness sides. Here are many examples of how demon expulsion works, going all the way back to the time when Christ was performing his miracles, by the power of the Holy Spirit and his Father, God.

Jesus was God, doing God’s work and performing miracles, but the ‘experts’ of that time accused him of being Satanic and doing his works via demonic forces. Guess who the chief liar and architect of all lies is? Hint; Not Jesus Christ, Not the Holy Spirit, and Not God.

Matthew 9:34 But the Pharisees said, “It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons.”

About Those Scribes
 ‘And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day, that they might find an accusation against him.’– Luke 6:7
The scribes were copyists of the holy scriptures. They preserved in written form the oral law, and faithfully handed down the Hebrew scriptures. In New Testament times, they were students, interpreters, and teachers of the Old Testament. Their functions regarding the law were to teach it, develop it, and use it in any connection with the Sanhedrin and various local courts. 

They were ambitious for honor, which they demanded, especially from their pupils, as well as from the general public. This homage was readily granted them (Mt. 23:5-11). Ezra was a scribe during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, and he was a very godly man. The office of a scribe was a worthy one, but the scribes of Jesus’ day were often rebuked by Him for having gone beyond the job of copying out the scriptures. They had a large volume of interpretations that they had added to the scriptures based on traditions, and had thus made ‘the word of God of none effect’ (Mk. 7:13). 

The scribes became an independent company of interpreters of the law and leaders of the people. Even they, themselves, sought to evade certain of their own precepts (Mt. 23:2-4). They clashed with Christ for He taught with authority and condemned the external formalism that they fostered (Mt. 7:28-29). They persecuted Peter and John (Acts 4:3-7) and had a part in Stephen’s martyrdom (Acts 6:12). 

However, although the majority opposed Christ, some did believe (Mt. 21:15). Later on, we’ll read how Jesus exposed the hypocrisy of the scribes by dealing with issues of the heart. They appeared to be holy outwardly, but their hearts were far from God. 

It is important for us to keep our hearts tender and receptive to His Word, and give ourselves to Him in worship. Think about the good things he has done for you today and be thankful.
From Andrew Wommack’s Daily Devotional https://www.awmi.net/reading/daily-devotional

If someone hyper focuses only on the Old Testament, while ignoring and/or denying the New Testament and especially the teachings or sayings of Jesus Christ, that may be a red flag warning.

If a group of people ignore or deny the teachings of Christ, and focus only on animal sacrifices and blood of those animals offered to God to atone for ‘sins’, that may be a red flag warning.

If someone hyper focuses only on fear generating verses, or those verses that focus on punishment, war and killing, and not on those Jesus said which offer forgiveness, love, peace, joy, hope, salvation, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.. that may be a red flag warning.

Bible prophecy points to the end times, and the building of the 3rd temple as the one thing that causes a global nuclear war, a holocaust and the return of Jesus Christ, as well as the final judgement of those who deny Christ. Who is building the 3rd temple and what does it have to do with Christ?

What happens if corrupt Billionaires are intent on ‘investing’ in Gaza seafront territory and forcing all current residents and citizens of Palestine to abandon the entire Gaza strip, so that huge MAMMON PROFITS can be made? Click on LINK

If someone interprets any part of the Bible, particularly the New Testament as being full of lies, and/or being written by Satan, and/or that Christ was powered by Satan when he was doing his miracles and/or that the New Testament has no truth in it, and/or turning people away from reading the New Testament, that may be a red flag warning.


This 3D world is generally being held captive by dark lords and dark spiritual forces. As a result of this, many people are being kept in slavery, but at the same time, those same people believe that they are free and blame God, Christ and the Holy Spirit as being evil, bad, or Satanic, plus God is to blame for all darkness and/or problems of the world. Why and how does this work?

The best slave is one who believes that they are free, and who obeys any ‘order’, no matter how insane, unscientific, or illogical. The best slave follows all mass media promoted belief systems as well as all of the worldly top down authority figures, both in religion, politics, medicine, mass media, military, education, and more, without question, no matter what.

What happens when there is collusion between multiple top down corrupted power structures, controlled by demonic forces of this 3D dimension?

Demon controlled systems in the world, plus the ego and mind’s knowledge can easily fool even the most ‘wise’ and most learned experts into believing that it is smarter than, is better than, or is more wise and powerful than God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. This belief all by itself can easily descend into selling one’s soul to Satan.

Elevating anything or anyone above God can also lead a person into promoting demonic forces, as it strives to prove that it is better and higher than God, and can do everything better than God, or that it can operate without any need for God, separate from God.

ALL Demons, otherwise known as fallen angels, believe that they are better than God, know more than God, and have more power than God, which then also totally separates them from God. Demonic forces can take over, influence, and/or control people who have no protection of Christ, Holy Spirit and God. Satan is a fallen angel of light, as are all demons, so many can be fooled, even the elect.

“The Bible teaches that creation reveals the knowledge of God (Psalm 19:1-2), which is infinite. Human knowledge can cause pride and grief (1 Corinthians 8:1b; Ecclesiastes 1:18), and worldly knowledge is often opposed to biblical truth (1 Timothy 6:20-21). Godly knowledge comes from fearing the Lord—being in awe of Him and submitting to Him (Proverbs 1:7).

True, good knowledge comes from God as a gift—from “His own mouth”—to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:21Proverbs 2:6). Believers can ask God for more knowledge (Psalm 119:66). One blessing of good knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of those who have it (Ecclesiastes 7:12b). Christians are instructed to grow in knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18); and they will find that godly knowledge will be pleasant to their soul (Proverbs 2:10). https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/what-does-the-bible-say-about-knowledge.html#

Bottom line, demons or dark fallen angels, are real, and they do exist. Satan is real, as a dark fallen angel. Angels on the side of God are real as well.

But people also exist who can drive out those demons, and who have authority over them.

Pray for help and deliverance.

Surrender your life to Christ and ask for his help as well as protection on a daily basis. Ask for the Holy Spirit to come into your life and heart.

Try Alpha https://alphausa.org/try

Resist or disobey any ‘mandates’ or ‘orders’ that require harming or killing other people LINK

Learn how to bind and drive out demons.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

It only takes one person to tell the truth, and to make a positive difference in the world. Follow the example of Jesus Christ..

Deuteronomy 31:8 – NLT Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.


AWMI “To Whom Much Is Given

April 3

Matthew 12:43, ‘When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.’

MATTHEW 12:43-45

Most often, verses 43-45 are used to teach about demon possession and deliverance from evil spirits. Jesus made it clear that getting rid of an unclean spirit is only a part of deliverance. You must also fill the place that was previously occupied by the demonic spirit with the presence and power of God as protection. If a person is cleansed from an evil spirit but left ’empty,’ the spirit will return with even more spirits and the individual will be much worse off. Simply being empty of the devil, but not full of God, is a very dangerous and short-lived condition. True deliverance is not only getting freed, but also staying free.

In context, these verses refer to Jesus’ rebuke of the scribes and Pharisees and His statement about the men of Nineveh and the queen of the south condemning them at the judgment. One of the laws of God concerning accountability is being dealt with here.

As stated in Luke 12:48, ‘…For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required…’ The people of Jesus’ day who rejected His message will be held more accountable at the judgment than the men of Nineveh or the Queen of Sheba, because Jesus’ witness and person was so much greater than either Jonah or Solomon.

Just as a man who receives miraculous deliverance from an evil spirit becomes more accountable and will end up in even worse condition if he doesn’t walk in that accountability, so the people of Jesus’ generation were accountable for more than any other generation had ever been.

A person would be better off to keep just one evil spirit than to be set free, not fill himself with God, and wind up with eight demonic spirits, seven of which were more wicked than the first. The scribes and Pharisees would have been better off to have never had Jesus bring the kingdom of God unto them than to reject such an offer. He has given you much, what will you do with it? https://www.awmi.net/reading/daily-devotional