Unveiling the Complex Layers of Freedom: From Speech to Spiritual Levels

Proverbs 1:23 Come and listen to my counsel.
I’ll share my heart with you
and make you wise.


How can a person tell if and/or when even the most basic forms of freedom and human rights are being lost?

Life itself could be considered to be a form of freedom, but without other freedoms that go along with it, what is life really worth?

If a person spends their entire life in prison or as a slave, with ‘authorities’ ordering people to follow draconian freedom extinguishing ‘mandates’ of all kinds, (which are not actually based on any law nor on science) how much freedom is there in just life all by itself?

Culture War @CultureWar2020 “The six foot social distancing rule did not have sufficient scientific report. In your words, It just sort of appeared” “As the pandemic wore on more mandates just sort of appeared but the American public didn’t get to see the scientific data to support these mandates” Opening remarks of Covid Committee – Rep Brad Wenstrup @RepBradWenstrup Fauci #Fauci

Free will and freedom to think any thoughts and to feel any emotion that a person may desire, might be considered to be some of the most basic form of freedoms, wouldn’t you agree?

Expressing artistic imagination and creativity are freedoms in their own way, but it takes the basics as noted above, to even get this far.

How much freedom is contained inside of living, free will, free thought, free emotions, creativity, and imagination, if no other freedoms are allowed?

Free will can be lost in a society consisting of nothing more than a non stop barrage of top down dictatorial lies, deception and propaganda; telling others what to do, what not to do, down to the smallest minutia of life.

A person can think and believe they are free, but in actual reality, they might be trapped inside of a fake freedom, where every thought, every emotion and every action is controlled by a fake top down ‘Matrix’ which is supported by non stop deceptive pro corporate, pro billionaire propaganda in all directions, at all levels, while being cleverly hidden, inside of ‘science’ or ‘logic’ or law and order, or other clever nice sounding phrases like Dr Fauci’s; “I am the science”


There are many kinds of love that can be experienced. What is really sad is if a person has felt no love of any kind in their entire life. Everyone deserves to feel love, and to express love in healthy ways.

How many kinds of love have you experienced in your life?

What kinds of love do you have a goal of experiencing in the future?

What is the highest form of love that a human can experience?


Is there something more to life than fear, anger and negative emotions?

Are miracles possible in this life?

If yes, how many miracles and what type?

How many miracles can we experience on a daily basis?

How much wonder and awe can a person experience?

What are the greatest mysteries of life and can these mysteries be explored?


If a person has free will, free thought, free emotions, but does not have freedom of choice, does freedom exist anymore?

Is the freedom of choice really getting at the essence of freedom?

Does freedom of choice really exist, if a person has only 2 political parties to pick from in a US winner take all system, when there are 7 to 20 choices of political parties to vote for in many other countries?

If those two US political parties are both totally controlled and manipulated by a small group of hidden, secretive billionaires plus foreign interests like the WEF, operating from behind a black curtain, is there really any freedom of choice, much less basic freedom left?

Why is a free market ‘good’? Why are infinite choices ‘allowed’ in terms of buying ‘things’? Why are more and more consumer choices for things in stores ‘good’?

Why is it that inside of US politics, which is also a ‘marketplace’, only 2 flavors are ‘allowed’? Why are more than 2 political parties in the US ‘bad’, taboo, and not allowed?

Why is the topic of political freedom of choice not even allowed to be spoken of in the mass media, education or churches, in a country that likes to call itself ‘free’ and ‘democratic’ ?????

Why do many other countries have many different political parties that actually represent their voters in their version of Congress/Senate, with no ‘winner takes all ‘rules’ along with ‘elected’ politicians that do not actually listen to their voters due to bribes and hidden ‘contributions’ from behind the scenes in secret?


Free will, free emotions, free thoughts and life itself does not have as much meaning or value if a person cannot express themselves via freedom of speech.

Why is freedom defined in the USA as;



Having a medical license suspended or taking away

Being smeared, lied about, and having character assassination

Being labeled as conspiracy theorist, quack or other derogatory term

Being dehumanized just for having an opinion, or wanting to say certain things


A country can either gain rights and freedoms under a specific leader, or lose some, many or all of them. What happened under Trump in this direction? What is happening under Biden in this direction?

What kind of ‘ism’ contains the most freedom for the average person?










Or something else?

Even if the political ism of choice is provided for and kept in place through whatever means, is that really the deepest meaning of freedom?

On a political level, when peace agreements are signed, what does that really mean, when both sides can easily break it, ignore it, deny it ever existed, or violate the terms whenever they feel like it, as the US has been doing since it started signing ‘legal’ documents all around the world…

How might God feel about not proclaiming freedom for all people, globally, and keeping people enslaved through many methods?

Jeremiah 34:17 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Ye have not obeyed me, in proclaiming freedom every man to his brother, and every man to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the Lord, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine…


Many journalists have been and are still being jailed, tortured, and killed in the struggle to keep freedom of the press alive.

Gonzalo Lira was a US citizen journalist reporting from Ukraine, but was then arrested, and tortured by the Ukraine secret service SBU, before being killed by them.

If major well known journalists are thrown into prison for exposing corruption inside of the military industrial complex, is there really still freedom of the press? Juliann Assange has been held in a prison without charges, no trial and no jury for many years now, and all he did was expose some war crimes in Iraq by the US military industrial complex.

Why is the EU and US banning certain media outlets and censoring others?

If journalists are killed wholesale in a genocide that the entire world ignores or denies, is freedom still alive?


How much is freedom intertwined with access to energy in all of its various forms?

If energy is priced at a very high cost, which then does not allow a person to live freely, is there really freedom?

If free energy were available, what would that do in the arena of basic human freedoms and choices?

If free energy devices and news about them are censored, while the actual devices are banned or taken away by force, and then their inventors are disappeared or killed, is there really any freedom in this arena?


Many countries still do not allow a person to practice their own religion, and impose a state sanctioned and forced religion on everyone. The UK still has an official state religion and an official ‘canon’ Bible where the King is the head of the state sponsored, state approved religion. The UK king is also the head of state. A despotic King James I wrote the King James Bible, effectively making the King more powerful than God…

Could there be a problem or two with how the King James bible was written and/or interpreted? Why was King James I killed?

Why is any state sponsored religion a very bad idea, especially if the goal is ‘freedom’ in all areas of life?

Go deeper

What does freedom of religion cover, and what does this freedom not cover?


What is the freedom to be in Nature at no cost worth?

What is the freedom to travel worth?

How and why can a basic universal human right to move around the world be taken away, without any court trial, judge or jury?

Why and how can the a public health official who is not elected ‘order’ or force the entire world to be forcibly injected with an experimental gene modifying invasive medical procedure, with no informed consent, or not be allowed to travel, and be shunned/excluded from society, despite this violating all health laws, norms and rights?


Why is only ONE monopoly allowed inside of a ‘free market’ that is called ‘healthcare’ inside of the US? Why are all other free will choices involving healthcare banned, censored, squashed, not allowed, and never paid for, even if a patient wants it.

Why is there so much threatening, bribing, forcing, mandating and fascist types of Big Pharma propaganda being pushed out on a daily basis via all mass media and social media?

Carole Mac @HerbsandDirt So I just left CVS to pick up my thyroid medication. “Just so you know, it looks like you need a shingles vaccine and Hep B vaccine.” He went on to explain people born before 1991 did not get Hep B at birth, and it’s an “important one to get.” “There is no cure for these things.” They’re upselling Hep B and shingles on 50+ year olds at the register now. How long before our medication refills are denied until we get them?

Jonnie Burrito @JohnFatland Pharmacists should NEVER push vaccines, EVER! It’s a discussion between you and your MD, and you make the decision. Recently the Pharm tried to push a shot I wasn’t familiar with, saying ‘everyone your age is getting it’. My MD said it could’ve killed me with my health condition. My MD knew my history, the Pharm did not

Forcing all 7 billion people globally to take experimental gene altering jabs with zero informed consent is the TOTAL opposite what freedom looks or feels like and mimics what was done in Nazi death camps under Nazi doctors like Dr Mengele, who was never caught nor given consequences. Will history repeat itself today, with millions of victims who never get justice?

Mandating masks, social six foot distancing, closing businesses, forcing people to stay at home, firing people from jobs, excluding people from events, preventing travel, and forcing everyone to have invasive experimental medical procedures is the essence of a very repressive, top down fascist dictatorship worse than what happened in Nazi Germany, and none of it is ‘scientific’.

Why is only one ‘theory’ allowed to be taught in all medical schools, when others with much more scientific evidence actually exist? Why is Allopathic ‘science’ so threatened that it must ban, censor, shame, guilt, demean, punish or fire anyone who dares to discuss or use a different scientific theory in terms of medical practice?


Why should one Christian be forced to kill another Christian, when Christ was the ultimate pacifist, and commanded his followers to ‘NOT KILL’, as one of the ten commandments that Christ followed?

Why should anyone be forced to kill anyone, whether they are Christian or not, when they do not want to kill anyone?

Why should soldiers who are often there not of their own free will, be forced to obey orders, or be killed for refusing to kill others?

Why is pacifism a ‘crime’ punishable by death in Ukraine? Soldiers who are forcibly conscripted into the military there, who try to run away, are shot dead on sight, by special troops who are deployed behind the front lines for this specific purpose; to kill all deserters..

Why are those soldiers who are refusing to go into certain death punished?

Why is the US ‘in charge’ of Ukrainian war machine and financing the entire Ukraine government, when there is no freedom there at all? Why did the US State Dept and CIA pay for and orchestrate a coup in Ukraine, in 2014?

In Ukraine, as of June 2024, there is no freedom of the press, journalism, religion, politics, civil rights and voting has been banned..

Why is the US supporting a corrupt, brutal dictator in Ukraine who obeys only the ‘orders’ coming from the CIA, Pentagon, and US State Dept, where unelected bureaucrats and warmongers order him around like a literal puppet on a string, against a nuclear weapons armed Russia?

Go deeper


What does it mean to have a ‘free spirit’?

How does one get a permanent inner joy and peace that is not just temporary and based on possessions, status, money, sex, or power, all of which are either addictive, temporary or have numerous negative side effects long term?

Does ‘free spirit’ mean being able to do anything and everything, like doing any and all illegal drugs, or having promiscuous sex with complete random strangers picked up in a bar, without any protection? Does ‘free spirit’ mean robbing banks and killing people for sport, or is this the opposite of a free spirit?

Could a universal definition of ‘free spirit’ be something along the lines of the following?

A free spirit has to include not harming or killing others, because everyone deserves to be free..

A free spirit may be defined as someone following their heart and intuition, plus seeking the truth in all.

Harming or killing others is the opposite of freedom, because it takes away the freedom from another human being which is called LIFE, which then kills ‘free spirit’ at it’s essence/core.

But at the same time, wouldn’t freedom also mean the freedom to resist someone if they are trying to take away rights, freedoms, or steal, harm, kill someone else?

There is also another aspect to a ‘free spirit’, which is a rebellion against God/Christ or the Holy Spirit. The problem with a free spirit that is rebelling against God, (definition of Satan btw) is that this triggers a spiritual law, that requires a person rebelling against God/Christ and Holy Spirit on a spiritual level to live in bondage, illusion and spiritual ignorance, plus live totally separated from God, which is a punishment in and of itself, but a punishment that is entirely self generated via the law of free will, which is God given.

Freedom includes the free will ‘right’ to rebel against God, but at what price?

Where have humans come from? How were they created? Where is humanity going? What does the future hold?

Go deeper


How does a person find freedom on a spiritual level, which lasts an eternity?

John 8:32 And shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

  1. Romans 3:24 And are justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
  2. Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye are made the servants of righteousness.
  3. Romans 6:22 But now being freed from sin, and made servants unto God, ye have your fruit in holiness, and the end, everlasting life.


What might be the highest and best form of freedom that can be experienced, for eternity, beyond this physical earthly realm and a limited 3D physical life?

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews, or Grecians, whether we be bond, or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

  1. Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end: I will give to him that is athirst, of the well of the water of life freely.
  2. Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come: and let him that is athirst, come: and let whosoever will, take of the water of life freely.

What if you could ‘remember’ all the way back to the beginning of Creation?

What if you could remember your true Home, plus family that is eternal, never ending and full of promises that apply to you personally?

What if you could remember that you are part of a royal family, and a holy priesthood, full of grace, light and unconditional love?

What if you could remember that you are a being that transcends time and space?

What if you could remember what you came here for?

What if you could remember your divine purpose, your divine heritage, and discover how to receive your royal family inheritance?