Untying The Gordian Knot – A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor – How To Solve Personal And Global Issues – Old Testament Versus New Testament Bible Gordian Knot Comparisons – A Path Less Traveled


Wikipedia; “Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an “impossible” knot) solved easily by “thinking outside the box” (“cutting the Gordian knot”):

“Turn him to any cause of policy,

The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,

Familiar as his garter” (Shakespeare,Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47)


At one time the Phrygians were without a king. An oracle at Telmissus (the ancient capital of Phrygia) decreed that the next man to enter the city driving an oxcart should become their king. A peasant farmer named Gordias drove into town on an ox-cart. His position had also been predicted earlier by an eagle landing on his cart, a sign to him from the gods, and, on entering the city, Gordias was declared king by the priests.

Out of gratitude, his son Midas dedicated the ox-cart[1] to the Phrygian god Sabazios (whom the Greeks identified with Zeus) and either tied it to a post or tied its shaft with an intricate knot of cornel (Cornus mas) bark. The ox-cart[2] still stood in the palace of the former kings of Phrygia at Gordium in the fourth century BC when Alexander arrived, at which point Phrygia had been reduced to a satrapy, or province, of the Persian Empire.

Several themes of myth converged on the chariot, as Robin Lane Fox remarks:[3] Midas was connected in legend with Alexander’s native Macedonia, where the lowland “Gardens of Midas” still bore his name, and the Phrygian tribes were rightly remembered as having once dwelt in Macedonia. So, in 333 BC, while wintering at Gordium, Alexander the Great attempted to untie the knot. 

When he could not find the end to the knot to unbind it, he sliced it in half with a stroke of his sword, producing the required ends (the so-called “Alexandrian solution”).[4] However, another solution is presented by Aristobulus that indicates “he unfastened it quite easily by removing the pin which secured the yoke to the pole of the chariot, then pulling out the yoke itself.”[5] That night there was a violent thunderstorm.

Alexander’s prophet Aristander took this as a sign that Zeus was pleased and would grant Alexander many victories. Once Alexander had sliced the knot with a sword-stroke, his biographers claimed in retrospect[6] that an oracle further prophesied that the one to untie the knot would become the king of Asia.[7]

Alexander the Great cuts the Gordian Knot by Jean-Simon Berthélemy (1743–1811)

Sources from antiquity agree that Alexander the Great was confronted with the challenge of the knot, but his solution is disputed. Both Plutarch and Arrian relate that, according to Aristobulus,[b] Alexander the Great pulled the linchpin from the pole to which the yoke was fastened, exposing the two ends of the cord and allowing him to untie the knot without having to cut through it.[3][4] 

Some classical scholars regard this as more plausible than the popular account.[5] Literary sources of the story include Arrian (Anabasis Alexandri 2.3), Quintus Curtius (3.1.14), Justin‘s epitome of Pompeius Trogus (11.7.3), and Aelian‘s De Natura Animalium 13.1.[6]

Alexander the Great later went on to conquer Asia as far as the Indus and the Oxus, thus fulfilling the prophecy.



What this story may point at is that the future can be known and the best and highest possible future is often predicted by ‘prophets’, ‘oracles’ or ‘seers’ who have passed the ‘normal’ boundaries of a 3D reality, which is focused only on the physical body, but not the spiritual levels, or the soul level of humanity, which is 5D.

What this story may also point at is the reality of God, who can favor certain people and put them in power, via miracles and other supernatural events, including but not limited to prophecy.

What this story may also point at is the universal truth that there is not just one ‘violent’ military method for solving problems, but that God always offers many solutions to problems, if only we will surrender to His Divine Will, and give up our own selfish, limited, rebellious ways of thinking about things which are limited by 3D reality and the duality illusions.

What this story may also point at symbolically is how truth always prevails over the ‘Gordian knot’ of lies, deception, propaganda and illusions that corrupt leaders with absolute power represent.

What this story may also represent the power of spiritual awareness over the ‘Gordian knot’ of mind and the limited 3D reality/illusion. Spiritual awareness accesses 5D dimensional realities, which are even more ‘real’ than a limited 3D physical body reality. Spiritual awareness includes intuition, and the spiritual gift of prophecy, along with many other gifts.

What this story may also point at is the spiritual meaning behind untying the knot is that a person can become a ‘king’ who is the ruler of all domains, on a spiritual level. The Kingdom of Christ is the ultimate kingdom, and there is a way to become an inner ‘ruler’ and inherit this kingdom without any violence or war, along with Christ, the Holy Spirit and God, thus untying the Gordian knot.

What this story may also point at is that the term Gordian knot, is “often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an “impossible” knot) solved easily by “thinking outside the box” (“cutting the Gordian knot”) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordian_Knot

What this story may also point at is how critical thinking can solve problems, especially when compared to just believing whatever everyone else says, believes or thinks and being limited to that alone.

What this story may also point at is that there may be a benefit to questioning ‘orthodox’ or ‘normal’ ways of thinking about things, including believing top down controlling authority figures, experts and those who claim to have all of the answers all packaged up and ready to swallow for us, and no dissent is allowed, plus anyone who disagrees is excluded, fined, punished, jailed or killed.

What this story may also point at is that there may be a benefit to following the path less traveled, which is accessed by listening to the heart, and intuition.

The above potential interpretations are just the tip of the iceberg, and many other possible interpretations exist.

What other meanings might this story have?

What are your thoughts about this?


Untying a Gordian knot has little or nothing to do with getting ‘permission’ to go conquer enemies in battle and then get a personal kingdom to rule over along with an expansion of territory along with slaves, resources and spoils of war. The story of Alexander is much like the Genesis chapter and the whole Old Testament, which points at conquest and dominion as the ‘normal’ method God uses to expand a ‘God approved’ kingdom.

The feat of untying the Gordian knot is accomplished by going beyond the mind and into the spiritual realms, where many if not most people fear to tread. The mind and almost the entire Old Testament is all about duality; good/bad, light/dark, up/down, right/wrong, guilt/punishment, debt/riches, enemy/friend, beautiful/ugly, inside/outside, etc, etc.

The more one tries to untie the Gordian knot through the use of the duality based mind alone, the more one realizes that it is impossible. The more one tries to use force and willpower alone, the tighter the Gordian knot draws into itself and the worse the suffering becomes on all levels. The universal story of the Old Testament is that people keep rebelling against God, (trying to untie the Gordian knot via their own mind/body) and then being punished for that rebellion. The Gordian knot is at it’s core, what we create through our own decisions, separate from God.

That rebellion and the overall suffering of humanity symbolized by the Gordian knot, includes Satan and his legion, consisting of 1/3 of all light angels in Heaven, who are still attempting to control and set up Satan’s kingdom on Earth, via the spiritual warfare that is going on every day, non stop. Satan loves to create Gordian knots that cannot be unraveled, and that he personally profits from via lies, stealing, suffering, destruction and death.

There is much about this that the average church leader does not talk about, and many Bible versions exclude Nephilim completely, while other versions include books that talk about the Nephilim in great detail.

To untie the Gordian knot that is represented by our physical reality, (which is just an illusion) one must go beyond the mind and go into the heart of hearts, which is Christ, as explained in the New Testament.

Going beyond the mind and traveling down into the heart of hearts and agape love means experiencing the spiritual truth that there is nothing but the Oneness of Christ, Holy Spirit and God, which is behind/above/beyond all duality and the illusion of physical matter. The Oneness which represents Heaven on Earth and the heart of hearts is hidden in a place where most people never bother or think about looking for it. The Oneness symbolized by Christ, Holy Spirit and God is also the solution for all of the world’s problems and the only way to untie the global Gordian knot that humanity has generated by the mind which is resulting in all kind of problems in all directions.

What has the mind (rebelling against God/Christ) conceived and produced so far? All of the world’s problems. 

How does the mind conceive and think about solving the world’s problems again by rebelling against God/Christ? The human mind, separate from God/Christ/Holy Spirit and love/empathy keeps coming up with more ‘solutions’ that end up causing even bigger problems.


The way to solve the world’s problems is not about dividing and conquering through superior military force or threats, as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The way to solve problems is not by feeling guilty and ashamed as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy in part through shame, guilt, anger, fear, and other negative emotions.

The way to solve the world’s problems is not to judge and punish people as that is also rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The way to solve the world’s problems is not about mentally thinking about it and finding a ‘logical’ solution as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The way to solve things is not about maintaining appearances or keeping up with the neighbor or some group as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The way to solve problems is not by watching mass media TV as most of the mass media consists of a secular viewpoint, which is defined as separation from God, and thus a rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy via Anti Christ believing billionaires who control these huge monopolistic organizations.

The way to solve the world’s problems is not going to happen purely with technology or scientific achievement as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy via a substitute to God belief in transhumanism.

The answer to the world’s problems is not to ‘grow infinitely’ and to increase GDP as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy by focusing on PROFIT at any cost, including the destruction of humanity, the planet and all living things.

The answer to the world’s problems is not to increase the debt via fiat currency and fractional reserve banking as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy. All fiat money is nothing but a belief in the idol of PROFIT at any cost, including never ending wars, genocides and control over the entire world via Rothschild’s central banks.

The answer to the world’s problems is not to build more advanced weapons, increase the number of nuclear bombs, and building more nuclear power plants as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy via toxic heavy metal poison producing nuclear tech..

The answer is not to join the army, become a soldier and go kill someone as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy, while violating the Commandment; “Thou shalt not kill”

The answer is not to commit violent acts that destroy things or people as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The answer is not larger farms. The answer is not to drill for more oil, gas fracking, tar sans and making bio fuels. The answer is not GMO seeds and Roundup, as well as carbon based chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and other poisons. The answer is not nuclear medicine, chemotherapy and patent drugs as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

The answer is not to give more power to the 1%. The answer is not building larger skyscrapers or exporting jobs to foreign countries or making more profits. The answer is not on the mass media, which is controlled by the 1%. The answer is not about hurrying up Armageddon and starting a nuclear war, the sooner the better. The answer is not to have dominion over the Earth and subdue Nature by fighting it at every turn and creating pollution everywhere  as that is rebellion against God, and follows Satan’s forces/allies, who do nothing but kill, steal and destroy.

These and other things like them are all mentally focused gyrations creating more and more duality that create a larger and larger Gordian knot. All of the above things end up causing the Gordian knot(s) to grow and become larger. As a result, the world’s problems become larger and more numerous. 


God’s word… what is it? Which version of 900 official ‘canon’ Bibles is the ‘correct’ one?


The Gordian Knot is a legendary knot that became a metaphor for an intractable problem solved by a bold stroke. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordian_Knot_(disambiguation)

How can the Gordian knot which is represented by all of the outer and all of our inner problems as described above, be untied at one bold stroke, both on the outer physical level, and within, spiritually?

The last place most people look for the worlds and personal problems is inside the heart. The last place that most people go to figure out how to create a better world is inside. People are busy spinning thoughts in their mind, running around outside, going here, going there, traveling all around the world, buying things, doing things, printing money, creating more debt, and talking about a lot of things that are all mental gyrations, which are all part of the Gordian knot and duality. Anything coming out of this duality focused ‘problem solving’ then causes more suffering for everyone.

The way through all of the world’s problems, and/or personal problems and all suffering, is to go inside, live from the heart, and be still, in the Oneness of Christ, Holy Spirit and God. By doing this, anyone can become a spiritually peaceful warrior using spiritual weapons, powers and tools. Going within in this way unties the Gordian knot at one bold stroke, both within and without.

Quieting the mind and listening to the Holy Spirit living inside of the heart and being connected to Christ and God, is what makes the difference and it is also what unties the Gordian knot. Anyone following a religion can do this, because it is not anti – religious. As a matter of fact, all religions have a metaphysical meaning to them, which only a few ever achieve. Seeing the metaphysical meaning and understanding the highest interpretation of any holy books, can only be accomplished by going inside and having the Holy Spirit dwell in the heart of hearts.

The mind can be quieted and one can experience the inner peace of the sublime, and/or the bliss of the sacred Oneness, provided by the Holy Spirit and promised by Christ in the New Testament. The sacred Oneness can reached and EXPERIENCED by anyone through the God given power of FREE WILL CHOICE.

One of the ‘rules’ of humanity is that the larger an organization becomes, the more corrupted it also becomes generally, with sociopaths climbing to the top over a bunch of other people, who are not willing to do what sociopaths will do, to get to the top of an absolute power pyramid, which then creates a huge Gordian knot. This ‘rule’ also applies to religion, politics, banking, military, non profits, and all other organizations. What is the way to cut through this Gordian knot that all large and corrupt organizations create?

Christ is the only one who can cut through the Gordian knot, on any level, anywhere and any time. His teachings, sayings, stories and parables plus ‘rules’ are easy to follow and provide a way to free a person from all the Gordian knots of life.

The closer a person can get to the ‘pure’ teachings of Christ, the better.


Psalm 108:5 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.

God’s word… what is it? Which version of 900 official ‘canon’ Bibles is the ‘correct’ one?


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