Julian  Assange Struck A Plea Deal And Was Freed

https://twitter.com/TaraBull808/status/1805395731140035010 https://twitter.com/unbaffle_me/status/1805397993136279812 https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1805825779130831061 US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND FASCIST SECURITY STATE HAS CRIMINALIZED JOURNALISM AND TELLING THE TRUTH https://twitter.com/0oni0fIfe/status/1805992970564317582 Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand We now fully live in an Orwellian upside-down, where Obama and Ann Applebaum receive peace prizes... and actual peace fighters exposing war crimes or denouncing genocide are jailed or thoroughly demonized https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1805400172958277818 WHAT … Continue reading Julian  Assange Struck A Plea Deal And Was Freed

CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

Proverbs 31:8 - NLT Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;ensure justice for those being crushed. WHAT IS THE PRIMARY PROBLEM WITH ANY ‘SECRET’ ORGANIZATION, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD? Any government, agency or organization that is based primarily on secrets has to ‘compartmentalize’ in order to keep secrets most efficiently and effectively.   … Continue reading CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

A Gospel According To Scapegoats; How And Why Truth Telling Whistleblowers Are STILL Being Punished Today

"From the inception of the Gospel narratives, we can see that they were not just stories written about a scapegoat—they were stories written by scapegoats…. When the [New Testament] authors told the stories of Jesus’s life or of the early church, they wrote and interpreted from this fringe position. The Gospel writers also focused on the stories of the … Continue reading A Gospel According To Scapegoats; How And Why Truth Telling Whistleblowers Are STILL Being Punished Today

Japanese school children who survived Fukushima meltdown are being subjected to ‘nuclear bullying’

Gesturing as if with guns, two boys in Tokyo repeatedly taunted a girl whose family fled to Japan's capital to escape radioactivity unleashed by the Fukushima nuclear crisis of 2011. Tormented by headaches and weight loss, the girl began to skip classes, and switched schools to escape the bullies, her mother told Reuters. But the … Continue reading Japanese school children who survived Fukushima meltdown are being subjected to ‘nuclear bullying’