MAD-HUMAN DISEASE? Study; Prion-based diseases can be induced by mRNA vaccines (Encephalitis) – 80 Prion Graphs/Pictures – mRNA Cancer Vaccine Next?

mRNA JAB STUDY SHOWS IT MAY INDUCE PRION BASED MAD COW DISEASE IN HUMANS "Similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “mad cow disease”), a progressive neurological disorder of cattle that results from an infection by transmissible agents called prions, the Pfizer “vaccine” for Covid-19 has been revealed by analysis to have two potential risk … Continue reading MAD-HUMAN DISEASE? Study; Prion-based diseases can be induced by mRNA vaccines (Encephalitis) – 80 Prion Graphs/Pictures – mRNA Cancer Vaccine Next?

New method accurately detects prions in blood | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The scientists next tested whether the technique could be used to detect prions in blood samples from 14 people with vCJD and 153 controls. The controls included healthy people as well as people with different neurological or neurodegenerative disorders, including sporadic CJD, the most common form of CJD. The assay flagged all the vCJD samples … Continue reading New method accurately detects prions in blood | National Institutes of Health (NIH)