MAD-HUMAN DISEASE? Study; Prion-based diseases can be induced by mRNA vaccines (Encephalitis) – 80 Prion Graphs/Pictures – mRNA Cancer Vaccine Next?

mRNA JAB STUDY SHOWS IT MAY INDUCE PRION BASED MAD COW DISEASE IN HUMANS "Similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “mad cow disease”), a progressive neurological disorder of cattle that results from an infection by transmissible agents called prions, the Pfizer “vaccine” for Covid-19 has been revealed by analysis to have two potential risk … Continue reading MAD-HUMAN DISEASE? Study; Prion-based diseases can be induced by mRNA vaccines (Encephalitis) – 80 Prion Graphs/Pictures – mRNA Cancer Vaccine Next?

Everyone In USA And Around The World Exposed to Massive Amounts of Radioactive Xenon Gas

The video above shows the radioactive gases and 'hot' particles from Fukushima spreading across the whole globe. Odds are that you did not see this video, and it will never be shown on mass media for very specific reasons. In the picture below, you can see the spread of radioactive Xenon gas coiling its way all … Continue reading Everyone In USA And Around The World Exposed to Massive Amounts of Radioactive Xenon Gas