THE CREATION STORY IS ANTEDILUVIAN (PREFLOOD) In the beginning was the Garden Of Eden created by God, containing all good things, foods, herbs, fruits and animals for Adam and Eve. It was a pure, holy, sacred, Earth based paradise, a Heaven on Earth for Adam and Eve, per God's Creation, God's plan and per Natural … Continue reading THE CREATION STORY, AND THE REBELLION AGAINST GOD AND AGAINST NATURE WITH ALL KINDS OF ‘IDOLS’

The Mantle Of Glory; What Is 5D Shekhina Glory? Bringing 5D Heaven To 3D Earth

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 3D GLORY AND 5D GLORY? There are many fake 3D 'copies' of Heavenly 5D Glory these days, from high tech AI, to robots, to the Internet, fame, fortune, vanity, selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, national glory, war, hero worship, propaganda, lies, deception, worldly power, and alleged glory drugs, vaccines, radiation … Continue reading The Mantle Of Glory; What Is 5D Shekhina Glory? Bringing 5D Heaven To 3D Earth

Symbolic And Spiritual Meaning Of Sabbath; A Day Of Rest, 110 Verses On Sabbath Day In Bible, Year Of Jubilee, Forgiveness Of All Debts Globally

FROM THE BEGINNING OF CREATION, GOD RESTED IN HIS CREATION, BY BREATHING IN, AFTER BREATHING OUT CREATION FOR SIX DAYS The story of Creation is important to understand, not just from a 3D scientific, mental point of view, but from a point of 5D view of miracle filled spiritual faith and gaining the wisdom of … Continue reading Symbolic And Spiritual Meaning Of Sabbath; A Day Of Rest, 110 Verses On Sabbath Day In Bible, Year Of Jubilee, Forgiveness Of All Debts Globally

The 4 Agreements; Heaven On Earth, Unconditional Love

"I want you to forget everything you have learned in your whole life. This is the beginning of a new understanding, a new dream.The dream you are living is your creation. It is your perception of reality that you can change at any time. You have the power to create hell, and you have the power to create heaven. Why not dream a different dream ?  Why not use … Continue reading The 4 Agreements; Heaven On Earth, Unconditional Love