Rhodiola Herb Improves Mental Health And Calmness – Our Rulers Are Literally Driving Us Crazy, For Profit

In a 2017 study published in the journal Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment, Austrian and German researchers found that rhodiola promotes a calm state of mind and helps reduce symptoms of burnout, an “occupational phenomenon” caused by chronic workplace stress. Rhodiola has several mechanisms of action that can explain these findings. For one, it helps balance amounts of the stress … Continue reading Rhodiola Herb Improves Mental Health And Calmness – Our Rulers Are Literally Driving Us Crazy, For Profit

100 Scientific Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer – Study Shows Recreational Cannabis Use May Reduce Risk of Cognitive Decline by 96%

Despite the fact that countless individuals have used cannabis oil to heal their afflictions, the U.S. Cancer Institute lists cannabis as a ‘cure’ for cancer on its website, and a multitude of veterans credit the herb with helping them ditch opioids and alleviate symptoms of PTSD, the marijuana plant remains classified as a Schedule I … Continue reading 100 Scientific Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer – Study Shows Recreational Cannabis Use May Reduce Risk of Cognitive Decline by 96%


IS CANNABIS AN EVIL SATANIC ILLEGAL DRUG? OR IS IT THE MOST VALUABLE HERBAL REMEDY EVER? How many benefits and medical uses does the herb known as Cannabis have? What if medical doctors used cannabis for the following dis-eases, instead of expensive negative side effect filled patent drugs, being pushed by a totally corrupted Big … Continue reading MEDICAL MARIJUANA: SCIENTIFIC MECHANISMS AND CLINICAL INDICATIONS – HOW MARIJUANA ‘SCIENCE’ WAS CORRUPTED


Sea Moss: Benefits, Nutrition, and How to Prepare It "Some of the main potential benefits of using sea moss may include: May support thyroid health. Seaweeds are rich in iodine Trusted Source, a micronutrient necessary for healthy thyroid function. May support immunity. One study Trusted Source in salmon found that supplemental seaweed improved immune modulation and immune response. Scientists need … Continue reading NUTRITION BENEFITS OF SEA MOSS AND HOW TO PREPARE/USE IT

Why does Africa have such low rates of severe covid-19 infection and mortality (HERB CALLED ARTEMISININ & IVERMECTIN) ? – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD

"Ivermectin and artemisinin have revolutionized the quality of life for millions of people living in Africa. The Nobel committee in Stockholm said artemisinin and ivermectin “treatment is so successful that these diseases are on the verge of eradication, which would be a major feat in the medical history of humankind.” Now that these medicines are being used … Continue reading Why does Africa have such low rates of severe covid-19 infection and mortality (HERB CALLED ARTEMISININ & IVERMECTIN) ? – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD