Jesus Christ Was A Pacifist; A Historical Perspective On Pacifist Christians Opposed To The Myth Of A ‘Just War’ – 111 Verses Teaching Peace – 50 Characteristics Of Anti-Christ

Luke 9:23 - 23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Footnotes Luke 9:23 Even as one day followeth another, so doth one cross follow another, and the cross is by the figure Metonymy, taken for the miseries of this … Continue reading Jesus Christ Was A Pacifist; A Historical Perspective On Pacifist Christians Opposed To The Myth Of A ‘Just War’ – 111 Verses Teaching Peace – 50 Characteristics Of Anti-Christ

Capitalism, Central Banks, & Military Industrial Complex = Christians Waging A ‘Just War’ Against Other Christians

CHRIST WAS OPPOSED TO THE MONEY CHANGERS (CAPITALISTS) IN THE TEMPLE Christ also opposed the money changers (Capitalists) in the temple, who made a PROFIT, thus turning it into a den of thievery. War is always capitalistic, because war is very expensive, so banks and money lenders must get involved, and debts are created. War … Continue reading Capitalism, Central Banks, & Military Industrial Complex = Christians Waging A ‘Just War’ Against Other Christians

Just Wars, Holy Wars, Justified By Old Testament Bible ‘Canon’ – Which Of 900 Bible Versions Shows Christ Teaching War, Killing And Murder?

IF JUST WARS AND HOLY WARS ARE BASED ON THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST, WHICH OF 900 BIBLE VERSIONS IS THE ONE THAT IS SUPPORTING THIS? Why are there are now 900 different versions of the 'official canon' Bible? Which one is best? Might there be a pattern that would emerge if a person read the … Continue reading Just Wars, Holy Wars, Justified By Old Testament Bible ‘Canon’ – Which Of 900 Bible Versions Shows Christ Teaching War, Killing And Murder?