Trump Declared Himself “King of Israel”, “God’s Chosen One” – Supports Rebuilding 3rd Temple In Jerusalem, Just Like Pagan Roman Emperor Julian; Who Was Opposed By Christians Of His Day – False Prophet Bible Verses

BIBLE VERSES ABOUT FALSE PROPHETS Matthew 7:15 [a]Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Romans 16:18 1599 Geneva Bible 18 For they that are such, serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies, and with [a]fair speech and flattering deceive the hearts of the simple. … Continue reading Trump Declared Himself “King of Israel”, “God’s Chosen One” – Supports Rebuilding 3rd Temple In Jerusalem, Just Like Pagan Roman Emperor Julian; Who Was Opposed By Christians Of His Day – False Prophet Bible Verses