Crossing Red Lines? Russia Overwhelms Ukraine, Israel Crosses Iran’s Red Line; Stumbling Into The Dark Abyss Of Global Nuclear War – Peace In Christ Teachings Ignored/Denied

HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE REALLY FOLLOWING CHRIST, WHO TAUGHT HIS FOLLOWERS AND DISCIPLES PACIFISM? 76 Bible verses that call for peace *Matthew 5:9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God*Matthew 5:38-42Do not resist one who is evil*Matthew 5:43Love your enemies; pray for persecutors*Matthew 26:52All who take the sword will perish by … Continue reading Crossing Red Lines? Russia Overwhelms Ukraine, Israel Crosses Iran’s Red Line; Stumbling Into The Dark Abyss Of Global Nuclear War – Peace In Christ Teachings Ignored/Denied

Defining ‘Sin’ In A Highly Civilized, Modern Day, High Tech World; S=Separation, I=Inner Addiction, N=Negative Idolatry

How is Sin Defined? The 1st definition of 'sin' is separation from God. If a person believes that they can manage life alone, apart from God, that is the same thing that Adam and Eve believed, right before they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden, which can be described as Heaven On Earth. … Continue reading Defining ‘Sin’ In A Highly Civilized, Modern Day, High Tech World; S=Separation, I=Inner Addiction, N=Negative Idolatry