Mr. ‘Freedom’ Zelensky signed into law the entire WEF Agenda; Social Credit Application, Universal Basic Income, Digital ID and ‘Vaccine’ Passport

Taking Off The Masks via Andrew Wommack; "May 17 Mark 7:6, 'He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.' MARK 7:6-9 This is the biblical definition of a hypocrite, 'someone whose words … Continue reading Mr. ‘Freedom’ Zelensky signed into law the entire WEF Agenda; Social Credit Application, Universal Basic Income, Digital ID and ‘Vaccine’ Passport

Crossing Red Lines? Russia Overwhelms Ukraine, Israel Crosses Iran’s Red Line; Stumbling Into The Dark Abyss Of Global Nuclear War – Peace In Christ Teachings Ignored/Denied

HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE REALLY FOLLOWING CHRIST, WHO TAUGHT HIS FOLLOWERS AND DISCIPLES PACIFISM? 76 Bible verses that call for peace *Matthew 5:9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God*Matthew 5:38-42Do not resist one who is evil*Matthew 5:43Love your enemies; pray for persecutors*Matthew 26:52All who take the sword will perish by … Continue reading Crossing Red Lines? Russia Overwhelms Ukraine, Israel Crosses Iran’s Red Line; Stumbling Into The Dark Abyss Of Global Nuclear War – Peace In Christ Teachings Ignored/Denied

Depleted Ukrainium: What Comes After Failure?

The Top Ten Dumbest Things Empire Propagandists Ask Us To Believe

When you live under an empire that’s held together by lies, you’ll be asked to believe a lot of intensely stupid bullshit. Here are the top ten dumbest things the propagandists of the US-centralized empire try to get us to swallow. The Top Ten Dumbest Things Empire Propagandists Ask Us To Believe


NATO Membership Is Expensive

Kiev Regime Moves to Conscript Women & Children, British Troops to Ukraine?, US Congress Plays Partisan Games with Military Aid to Kiev, Anti-Kiev Regime Party Wins Elections in Slovakia & more…


THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Seymour Hersh – “It’s All Lies. The War Is Over. Russia Has Won.”

Ukraine War Day #585: Meet The New (Wagner) Boss!

Empty Actions, No Victory Odds, BUT HUGE, OBSCENE WAR PROFITEER GREED GROWING EXPONENTIALLY | Larry C. Johnson – YouTube (3) Empty Actions, No Victory Odds | Larry C. Johnson - YouTube Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations … Continue reading Empty Actions, No Victory Odds, BUT HUGE, OBSCENE WAR PROFITEER GREED GROWING EXPONENTIALLY | Larry C. Johnson – YouTube

Ukraine ‘AIDE’ absent from emergency US government funding deal

The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize War Profiteering In Ukraine

There’s been an astonishingly brazen propaganda push to normalize war profiteering in Ukraine as Kyiv coordinates with the arms industry and western governments to convert the war-ravaged nation into a major domestic weapons manufacturer, thereby turning Ukrainians into proxies of the military industrial complex as well as the Pentagon. The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize … Continue reading The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize War Profiteering In Ukraine

The Nazi-Ukrainian Reich of Canada

Ukraine cancelled next presidential election, abolished all dissenting political parties; US Supporting Dictatorship

Zelensky’s Bad Moment, by Seymour Hersh | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

Next Tuesday will be the anniversary of the Biden administration’s destruction of three of the four pipelines of Nord Stream 1 and 2. There is more I have to say about it, but it will have to wait. Why? Because the war between Russia and Ukraine, with the White House continuing to reject any talk … Continue reading Zelensky’s Bad Moment, by Seymour Hersh | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

Cooling system at Zaporizhzhya stabilised – but military action in the area continues

Pro US Terrorist Syrian Mercenaries Paid For By US Taxpayers And Sent to Ukraine Are Fuel for Escalating The War

Ukrainian; New Arrests as Citizens Attempt to Flee Forced Military Service

Thousands pf Czechs protest military support for Ukraine and pro-Western vassal government

Gorbachev; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Was Real Cause Of The Collapse of Soviet Union

Gorbachev gave a speech in 1986, and claimed that the worst was behind them, after the Chernobyl disaster. However, in 2006, he had changed his tune and wrote the following;Washington's Blog reports; "As Gorbachev wrote in 2006:The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl 20 years ago this month, even more than my launch of perestroika, was perhaps the … Continue reading Gorbachev; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Was Real Cause Of The Collapse of Soviet Union