Yemen Sees U.S. Strikes as Evidence of Hidden Hand Behind Saudi Air War | Rise Up Times

It’s hard to argue with the logic of those Yemenis who are smart enough to understand that an Army’s logistics units are just as much part of the fighting force as is the infantry and armor units, which is what provides the logic behind bombing an enemy’s war related manufacturing as we always do. Functionally, the U.S. military serves as a “Combined Arms Support Command” for logistics in the Mideast, supplying arms and ammunition to maintain the Israeli Defense Force occupation of Palestine (even though it is indisputably illegal) and militarily supply any of a host of oppressive Sunni Arab governments so long as their leaders pledge obeisance to the U.S., and enmity toward Iran, resulting in military operations as a motivation for homegrown terrorists as reported in The Intercept: 

Source: Yemen Sees U.S. Strikes as Evidence of Hidden Hand Behind Saudi Air War | Rise Up Times