Dr Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations – Dr Mercola

Dr Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations – Dr Mercola

According to Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, “The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C. It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it’s not a sexy drug.”2

I say “curiously,” as just four short years ago, in a Washingtonian article,4 “How to Avoid Getting Sick When You’re Around People All Day,” Fauci touted vitamins C and D as being good for boosting your immune system and fighting infectious disease.

Vitamin C “can enhance your body’s defense against microbes,” he said — a statement backed by recent research showing vitamin C supplementation lowers your risk of the common cold.5 At the time, Fauci said he was taking 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, himself, every day. “Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too,” he added.

Is Fauci simply promoting Bill Gates’ vaccine agenda? It’s not an implausible idea, considering Fauci is on the Leadership Council board responsible for putting together Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Vaccine Action Plan — a collaboration between the Foundation, NIAID, UNICEF and the World Health Organization.7 As explained in a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation press release:8

“The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups — national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations — and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines.”

It’s quite feasible that one “gap” that would need to be addressed “to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines” would be the elimination of inexpensive patent-free competition such as nutritional supplements.

Considering the fact that many reports from medical professionals treating COVID-19 patients are showing favorable results using old medicines and supplements such as IV vitamin C and zinc, there’s absolutely no reason to announce the end of normalcy unless we vaccinate billions of people.

Zinc is crucial for healthy immune function9 and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore was in 2010 shown to block the replication of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1) in cell culture within minutes.10 Many of the symptoms of COVID-19 are also near-indistinguishable from those of zinc deficiency.11

via Dr Mercola Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations