Almost 200 Members of the US Congress File Suit Against Trump For Violating US Constitution (Foreign Emoluments Clause)

Mining Awareness +

Plaintiffs, 30 members of the United States Senate and 166 members of the United States House of Representatives, bring this action against President Donald J. Trump to obtain relief from the President’s continuing violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution, which was designed to ensure that our nation’s leaders would not be corrupted by foreign influence or put their own financial interests over the national interest… Because the Foreign Emoluments Clause requires the President to obtain “the Consent of the Congress” before accepting otherwise prohibited “Emolument[s],” Plaintiffs, as members of Congress, must have the opportunity to cast a binding vote that gives or withholds their “Consent” before the President accepts any such “Emolument.” (Case 1:17-cv-01154 Filed 06/14/17 Pages 18-19 of 54)

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69. As Defendant makes countless other foreign policy decisions, he may similarly be influenced…

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