“Children’s Hospitals Overflowing With Respiratory Illness Patients”: why do you think? could it be the COVID gene injection vaccine? we have warned that this COVID vaccine will damage innate immunity

Firstly, the COVID vaccine was not safety tested and must not be given to children, none of it, no healthy child. Children have statistical zero risk of severe illness and death from COVID virus and there is no clinical data to support the use of these vaccines in children. None. The mRNA gene vaccine is ineffective and non-neutralizing and driving variants (infectious and likely lethal ones) with Darwinian natural selection pressure, but it also causes grave harm e.g. myocarditis.

Importantly, we have been arguing that the COVID gene injection in children will subvert the innate immune system of children (the training of innate antibody and natural killer cells for this training and education is critical in the young child and the training must happen before any vaccines are given, if they are given) and leave them defenseless to a range of glycosylated pathogen (that share similar sugars and glycans and patterns on their surfaces especially virus infected cells) and to auto-immune disease (inability to distinguish ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ components in the child and recognize self-mimicking cells, self-like and variations in between).

COVID-19 vaccination of children must stop immediately. Not only will the COVID-19 vaccines fully prevent innate antibodies from neutralizing the virus confronted with now e.g. omicron (binding to the antigen and neutralizing), but they will also irreversibly prevent the innate antibodies (in association with the virus) from educating the cell-based innate immune system (e.g., NK cells that are part of the innate immune system). Instead, the vaccinal antibodies will bind to the spike antigen (vaccine antibodies are highly specific and with greater affinity for the virus’s spike antigen) and facilitate and enhance viral infectiousness and enable the virus to breach the innate immune defense, thereby causing severe COVID-19 disease. We know this as antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and of disease (ADED).

This interference with the initiating foundational education of a child’s developing innate immune system can cause a COVID-vaccinated child to be less capable of handling glycosylated viruses (and glycosylated pathogens in general, as well as a range of pathogen). This predisposes such children to immune pathology (e.g., autoimmune disease). 

“Children’s Hospitals Overflowing With Respiratory Illness Patients”: why do you think? could it be the COVID gene injection vaccine? we have warned that this COVID vaccine will damage innate immunity