Adam’s 2 Laws, Noah’s 7 Laws, 10 Laws Of Moses, 2 Commandments Of Jesus Christ, 13 Laws of Satan – Questions Around Bloodguilt, Creation, Intelligent Design

This article will go into depth on the different spiritual, moral, ethical and universal laws starting with Creation, via the 2 laws of Adam/Eve, then the 7 laws of Noah, then the 10 Commandments of Moses, and concluding with the Law of Grace, plus the 2 Commandments of Jesus Christ, as documented by the Bible. The Bible teaches how Creation was started, and how it is based on Intelligent Design.. plus much more. Let’s also find out what bloodguilt consists of and how it first started.


One of the first questions a critical thinker can ask is;

Is there a God, and

Was this universe created, along with us, by that same God?

Or, alternatively, If there is NO GOD, then is this universe created by a meaningless, random, ‘Big Bang’, that came out of nowhere, for no reason?

Are humans just randomly created skin bags full of dust with meaningless lives, no purpose, no value?

When these worthless skin bags die, do these random skin bags full of dust just return to dust and nothingness?

Is life really empty and void of all planned intelligence, love, meaning, value and purpose?

What if there is a very deliberate Agape love based Intelligent Design and long term plan for every person on the planet, including you?

What if that Divine plan can be learned, studied and read about? What if this creation that we all live in, is all part of the Intelligent Design plan of a loving, infinitely powerful God, who also created us?

What if we are all part of a very Intelligent Design plan creation, with a purpose, meaning and value?

What if this Divine Intelligent Design Plan includes every person on the planet?

Up to this point, Taylor Swift does not believe in God, nor in Intelligent Design/Creation. Taylor Swift is worshipped literally as an idol.

As part of His Divine plan, which is based on spiritual laws that God also created and communicated to us, God commands us not to worship idols like Taylor Swift, nor graven images. God details other spiritual, moral and ethical laws for humans to follow, for many very good reasons, which can be learned about and studied.

We all have free will and can disobey, ignore, deny and break any or all of God’s Divine laws/Commandments, but there are negative consequences for making this free will choice. Not wanting to know anything about God’s 10 laws and the law of grace, almost guarantees being subject to Satan’s 13 laws, which are the default in this earthly kingdom that Satan rules.

Is there any proof of Intelligent Design?

What are just a few of the many spiritual/Ethical/Moral laws given to us by a loving God?

Is there any proof of Intelligent Design in human DNA?

Go deeper….


What language was spoken between God, Satan and Adam in Genesis? Today, we are speaking in English, but that does not mean English was spoken back at the time of Creation. At the time of the Tower of Babel, God created MANY languages. What if God spoke with Adam and Satan and his other angels mind to mind, where no ‘language’ is needed at all. God and angels still communicate in Heaven without the need for speaking, so why wouldn’t that be the case after Adam and Eve were created? If this theory is true, then Adam spoke an angelical language, free from spoken words.

Wikipedia; “The Adamic language, according to Jewish tradition (as recorded in the midrashim) and some Christians, is the language spoken by Adam (and possibly Eve) in the Garden of Eden. It is variously interpreted as either the language used by God to address Adam (the divine language), or the language invented by Adam with which he named all things (including Eve), as in the second Genesis creation narrative (Genesis 2:19).

Elizabethan scholar John Dee makes references to an occult or angelic language recorded in his private journals and those of spirit medium Edward Kelley. Dee’s journals did not describe the language as “Enochian“, instead preferring “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the “Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the “Holy Language”, or “Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The language was later dubbed Enochian, due to Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language.

In the beginning, there were only 2 humans created in the image of God. They were communicating directly with God, and being loved by God. Adam and Eve had a direct human to God relationship inside of a literal Heaven on Earth, just like a family living together in one house, with no fences, walls, borders, etc.

During the time of the Garden of Eden, there were no ‘moral laws’ other than to avoid a certain tree. There were no threats, enemies, foreign nations, no terrorists, no armies, no jails, no courts, no churches, no pastors, no hierarchy, no Bibles, no nations, no borders, no immigrants, no foreigners, and no religious denominations, because none of these even existed, nor were they needed.. All that mattered was a direct, intimate, close relationship between God and Adam/Eve, which were created in his own image.

Notice how God is communicating directly with Adam…. as casually as a father talking with his son. Remember this, because it is important.

Genesis 2 16 And the Lord God [s]commanded the man, saying, [t]Thou shalt eat freely of every tree of the garden, 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for [u]in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die the [v]death.

Genesis 4 ¶ Then Cain spake unto Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

10 Again he said, What hast thou done? the [i]voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me, from the earth.

11 Now therefore thou art cursed [j]from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thine hand.

12 When thou shalt till the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength: a [k]vagabond and a runagate shalt thou be in the earth.

13 Then Cain said to the Lord, [l][m]My punishment is greater than I can bear.”


God established the first law against killing another human being during the time of Adam and his progeny, as outlined by Bible verses above, but only after and because Cain killed Abel. God also established via his DIRECT God to person communication with Cain, that killing another person created BLOOD GUILT and that created a curse on any person doing the killing of another human being. Notice that God is talking directly with his Creation, the sacred sons of God, made in his image. What the verses above establish is the law of bloodguilt, which is a divine God created law.

The imperative not to kill is in the context of unlawful killing resulting in bloodguilt.[2]

In the beginning of Creation, there was no law in Heaven on Earth. Heaven on Earth was called Garden Of Eden in the Bible, because there was no possibility of doing anything evil in this ‘Heaven’ that God created for his creation.

In this Heaven on earth, Adam and Eve talked with God directly. In this Heaven on Earth, there was no death, because there was only Oneness. There was no separation between God and Adam/Eve. Thus, no laws were needed and no death was needed, just like in Heaven today, which can be accessed AFTER death.

Laws and commandments from God were needed, only after Duality appeared. Duality consciousness created a sense of Good and Evil, and all of the opposites that are in the 3D reality on Earth. How did this Duality happen?

The fallen light angel called Satan, who took 1/3 of all angels with him and who are now called demons, engineered and created a ‘sin’ nature plus 13 Satanic laws now operating within humanity and on Earth. How did this happen?

Satan thought he was better than God, and could do everything better than God, and without God. Just like a human family with disagreements, so it was in Heaven, because it and Adam and Eve worked on the first spiritual law, a God created law that mandates FREE WILL for all human beings and all angels. God has free will, angels have free will, and so do humans. This is part of the proof that all humans are created in God’s image. No one can be forced to believe in angels, God, Christ or Satan.

After Satan rebelled against God, he convinced Adam and Eve to go along with his Satanic ‘plan’ to eat of the tree of knowledge, and to violate the only 1 commandment of God, given to Adam and Eve. This is how Adam/Eve plus the army of Satan all lost access to Heaven on Earth, via disobedience/rebellion. This is also how Satan established his earthly kingdom and put in place his 13 laws that all humans are now living under, without even ‘choosing’ that, based on the free will choice of rebellion against God, made by Adam and Eve.

Rebellion against God and God’s 1 commandment, is also when death appeared for Adam, Eve and all later humans. Death did not exist in Heaven on Earth. The first generation of humans after being kicked out of the Garden of Eden lived for approximately 1,000 years and then died. As the Bible documents, successive generations then gradually lost longevity as more and more sin and rebellion against God became ‘normal’, down to a maximum of 120 years or so present day. All of this is documented in the Old Testament, starting in Genesis, and through later books.

Due to breaking the 1st Commandment and rebelling against God, by listening to and following Satan, Adam and Eve were under a curse from that point on and all of their generations that came after them… which many call a ‘sin’ nature, and it is built into every human. Part of the curse is that all humans are separated from God, and must die, plus endure lots of suffering. By default, all humans are living inside of the kingdom of Satan, and are subject to his 13 laws, as outlined below, and that is without even making a free will choice.

Because of the ‘curse’ of Adam and Eve, which was based on rebellion against God, all human beings are on a journey in life to reconnect with God and Christ via a FREE WILL choice, because no force can be used.

Meanwhile Satan uses every trick and lie to keep everyone far, far away from God and Christ, because Satan wants to be ruler of everyone on Earth, FOREVER, by using lies, deception, denial, force, threats, intimidation, bribes, and all kinds of temptations that take people away from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.

What are just a few of the many lies that Satan uses to accomplish this?


Everyone has free will. Inside of that free will, everyone has a choice of whether to follow God/Christ, or Satan. The default is that without choosing God/Christ, a person is following Satan and his laws, because Earth and this 3D realm is the kingdom of Satan.

Satan has laws in his kingdom just like God has laws in his Kingdom. But the Satanic Kingdom laws are different than God/Christ’s Kingdom laws and they have different outcomes, depending on which set of laws a person chooses to be ‘ruled’ under..

We have a choice about which Kingdom we want to belong to. We all have a choice which King we want to serve.. Those who are allied with, supportive of, or working directly with Satan have to follow Satan’s ‘laws’ and end up having a Satanic spirit, based on God’s spiritual law of free will.

The first step is to learn and be aware of Satan’s laws and how his earthly kingdom operates..


1 Thou shalt be trapped in feeling emptiness, fear, hatred, not knowing real Agape love or inner peace

2 Thou shalt be trapped in selfishness and taking things from others and/or Nature via theft

3 Thou shalt be trapped in adultery, sexual perversions, lust and a desire for sensual pleasures that harms and kills

4 Thou shalt be trapped in unforgiveness, always desiring evil and revenge against others, even to the point of hating plus cursing God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, even in every day language or thoughts

5 Thou shalt be trapped in worshipping idols

6 Thou shalt be trapped in worshipping graven images

7 Thou shalt be trapped in rebellion against God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and hold stubbornly onto self

8 Thou shalt be trapped in false love, false realities, delusion and lies both coming in and going out

9 Thou shalt be trapped in sacrificing your children to Moloch/Satan, and spill their blood inside of Pharmakoi and Pharmakeia

10 Thou shalt be trapped in all kinds of obsessions, addictions and negative habits that steal, destroy, harm and kill others as well as self

11 Thou shalt be trapped in the spirits of horror, aggression, violence, killing, suicidal thoughts, depression and attacking others while being very intolerant of any differences

12 Thou shalt be trapped in sloth, pride, greed, gluttony, wrath, envy, and bitterness, eating fresh blood in uncooked meat from animals

13 Thou shalt be trapped in usury, criminality, warmongering, weapons, along with other psychopaths, sociopaths, demons and traitors

By being trapped in and/or following these Satanic spirit based laws based on free will choice, a person is guaranteed to be separated from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Again, within God given law of free will, after death, that person will also then end up in Satan’s dark realms, which are very unpleasant to spend an eternity in. Remember, this is all based on FREE WILL CHOICES, which every person makes.

Satan is the great deceiver… go deeper to learn more about this earthly ‘king’ and his ‘kingdom’.

There is a way out, even after selling one’s soul to the idol named Satan for earthly status and success in this world, which leaves a person feeling empty, dark and unfulfilled.

The 13 Covenant Contract laws with Satan can be broken/abolished via a free will choice.

There is a way to choose God’s/Christ’s Kingdom and to inherit the blessings, gifts and promises that Christ offers. Via free will, any person can agree to be part of God’s/Christ’s eternal Kingdom. Those gifts and promises will be detailed later in this article.


There is a spiritual law around bloodguilt, which God established in the time of Adam and Eve. What is the spiritual law of bloodguilt? Why is this a spiritual law enforced by God directly? Why is this law of bloodguilt also a human made law which is then enforced by police, and the earthly justice system?

Wikipedia; “Genesis 9:6 Who so sheddeth man’s blood, [a]by man shall his blood be shed: for in the [b]image of God hath he made man. Read full chapter


  1. Genesis 9:6 Not only by the magistrate, but oft times God raiseth up one murderer to kill another.
  2. Genesis 9:6 Therefore to kill man is to deface God’s image, and so injury is not only done to man, but also to God.”

Bottom line, God created a sacred human, which is filled with sacred blood, and the holy of Holies that we know as DNA. That DNA blueprint is part of a sacred Creation of God. Each human is unique, different, and special, plus SACRED. Anyone daring to kill another human is violating this sacred relationship between the Creator/God, and his sacred, holy creation; all humans. Anyone shedding sacred human blood automatically triggers the law of bloodguilt, that was also created by God. God is saying that He will enforce this law and the law requires that a person pay with his own life.

Humans have known about this Divine Law of bloodguilt since the very beginning of Creation, specifically after Cain slew Abel. Humans have established Earth based laws that mimic all of God’s sacred and holy laws, all around the world. Many to most earthly laws are copying God’s Divine laws, as outlined in Adamic Covenant, Noah’s 7 laws, and the 10 commandments of Moses, and the 2 Commandments of Christ, very specifically.

Wikipedia; “In Judaism, the Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: שבע מצוות בני נח, Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach), otherwise referred to as the Noahide Laws[6] or the Noachian Laws[8] (from the Hebrew pronunciation of “Noah“), are a set of universal moral laws which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a covenant with Noah and with the “sons of Noah“—that is, all of humanity.[12]

The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against 

worshipping idols

cursing God



sexual immorality


eating flesh torn from a living animal

as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.[15]

These seven God provided divine spiritual laws still exist for Jewish people today, but along the way and over a long period of time, over 630 total religious and human made ‘rules’ were developed by the priestly class in large hierarchy structures, that everyone also were forced to follow.. This in turn led to many other problems, because no human can possibly remember much less follow 630 different religious rules, created by mere mortals, disconnected from God.

This brings up the question of ‘canon’ law… Which canon Biblical ‘laws’ should people actually follow when it comes to God?

Should everyone follow all 630 Jewish ‘laws’ as stated in their Torah, which is the Old Testament?

What part of the Old Testament is actually ‘canon’ according to God?

Which of the 630 Old Testament laws still apply, now that Christ came and changed everything?

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Why did God establish the 7 laws of Noah, after the flood which destroyed all Nephilim/human hybrids?

Bible verses about Nephilim; (fallen angels)

After being banished from Heaven on Earth for violating God’s commandment and allying with Satan and then breeding with demonic angelic Nephilim, any connection to God was also broken. Any and all humans that lived under the rule of demonic dark angel Nephilim giants were cursed, and separated from God.

Why were various books that detailed fallen angel Nephilim living on earth and breeding with humans censored, burned and banned; and then not included in the ‘canon’ Bible?

During this very dark time, where demonic angels directly led and bred with humans all over the world, only a few people were righteous enough to be able to communicate directly with God and to follow God’s will, such as Noah.

Up to this point everyone was living in Duality, but without any moral or ethical guide created and directed by God.. Before the great flood, there were fallen angels mating with human women and having their way on Earth, with their fallen nature creating all kinds of evil and satanic things.

There was basically nothing but evil being created on Earth due to the huge influence of Satan and his army of demons having physical relations with human women and changing the DNA of humanity into something completely Satanic.

Having Satan in physical total control of the Earth and breeding with all of God’s children via an army of demon giant Nephilim was not part of God’s positive long term plan for humanity. God did not want dark angel Nephilim contaminating the sacred DNA of his human children. Thus, the ‘great flood’ had to happen. God orchestrated a great reset, with a huge do over, via Noah’s family, which was the most righteous family to be found on the entire planet that was filled with nothing but evil, demons and Satan at that point. Sadly, God had to destroy his own creation, because it had mostly become an abomination and a literal Hell on Earth, with no way out for anyone.

After the flood and great reset, Satan and demonic spirits still existed but are no longer are allowed to take physical form and breed with humans.

After the flood, in an attempt at preventing another repeat of Satan taking over on Earth, God established the 7 laws of Noah, which are also a Covenant or a contract with humans.

Despite banning dark angel Nephilim from taking physical form on Earth, people were still rebelling against God, and finding new and different ways to rebel, by disregarding, ignoring, denying and rebelling against God, breaking the 7 Noadic rules, and going towards evil.

Due to people violating the God given rules, this then required an earthly court of justice, and a system of man made laws to deal with this rebellion against God, which took the form of ‘crimes’ that had to include negative consequences.


The history of Judea region and Jerusalem is documented in the Bible, and also via historical records from many other sources.. What is documented, is that the first temple of Solomon was destroyed and the Jewish people were killed or taken captive during this time.

The Flight of the Prisoners (1896) by James Tissot; the exile of the Jews from Canaan to Babylon


Wikipedia; “Construction on the Second Temple began in the aftermath of the Persian conquest of Babylon; the Second Temple’s predecessor, known as Solomon’s Temple, had been destroyed alongside the Kingdom of Judah as a whole by the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem around 587 BCE.[1] According to biblical sources, the Second Temple was originally a relatively modest structure built under the authority of the Persian-appointed Jewish governor Zerubbabel, the grandson of Jeconiah, the penultimate king of Judah.[2]


In 70 CE, at the height of the First Jewish–Roman War, the Second Temple was destroyed by the Roman siege of Jerusalem,[a] marking a cataclysmic and transformative point in Jewish history.[4] The loss of the Second Temple prompted the development of Rabbinic Judaism, which remains the mainstream form of Jewish religious practices globally.


The Jewish community of Alexandria was “extinguished” by Trajan’s army during the Kitos War of 115–117 CE, also known as the Diaspora Revolt.[19] The Jewish revolt, which is said to have begun in Cyrene and spread to Egypt, was largely motivated by the Zealots, aggravation after the failed Great Revolt and destruction of the Second Temple, and anger at discriminatory laws.[20]

After the 2nd temple was destroyed by the Romans after a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation, the Jewish people living in Judea were killed, and the remainder were taken into slavery.

In Josephus‘s history, it is claimed that, after Ptolemy I Soter took Judea, he led some 120,000 Jewish captives to Egypt from the areas of Judea, JerusalemSamaria, and Mount Gerizim. An inscription recording a Jewish dedication of a synagogue to Ptolemy and Berenice was discovered in the 19th century near Alexandria.[11] Josephus also claims that, soon after, these 120,000 captives were freed from bondage by Philadelphus.[12]

Go deeper;


After being released from slavery under the Egyptians, also called Babylonians, Moses led his people through the wilderness, as described in the Bible. This journey was filled with many miracles, including Moses getting the Ten Commandments directly from God, and having them written or inscribed on two stone tablets. The people needed these laws, because they were coming out of slavery, and wanted a God approved moral/ethical/legal structure that was not Babylonian, and not anyone else’s religion or belief system.


Exodus 20 Thou shalt have none other gods [c]before me.

Thou shalt make thee no graven image, neither any similitude of things that are in heaven above, neither that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the waters under the earth.

Thou shalt not [d]bow down to them, neither serve them: for I am the Lord thy God, a [e]jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third generation and upon the fourth of them that hate me:

And showing mercy unto [f]thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in [g]vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, [h]to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work,

10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maid, nor thy beast, nor thy stranger that is within thy [i]gates.

11 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it.

12 ¶ Honor thy [j]father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged upon the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

13 ¶ Thou shalt not [k]kill.

14 Thou shalt not [l]commit adultery.

15 Thou shalt not [m]steal.

16 Thou shalt not bear false [n]witness against thy neighbor.

17 Thou shalt not [o]covet thy neighbor’s house, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, neither anything that is thy neighbor’s.

18 ¶ And all the people [p]saw the thunders: and the [q]lightnings, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, and when the people saw it, they fled and stood afar off,

19 And said unto Moses, Talk thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God talk with us, lest we die.

20 Then Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to [r]prove you, and that his fear may be before you, that ye sin not.

21 So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near unto the darkness where God was.

22 ¶ And the Lord said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.

23 Ye shall not make therefore with me gods of silver, nor gods of gold: you shall make you none.

Wikipedia; “The text of the Ten Commandments appears in three different versions in the Bible:[1] at Exodus 20:2–17, Deuteronomy 5:6–21, and the “Ritual Decalogue” of Exodus 34:11–26.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tablets of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. 13 And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God. — First mention of the tablets in Exodus 24:12–13

By reading the Bible, it is easy to notice that by this time, the vast majority of ordinary Jewish people are no longer talking with God, as was the case during the time of Adam and Eve. Only Moses is talking with God, but the average person is so separated from God, that they cannot even imagine talking with God, under any circumstances. Due to rebellion and separation from God, most people are prone to creating false idols, following false prophets rebelling against God/Christ and doing many other evil things, inside of the laws of Satan and a covenant contract with him. That situation has not changed right up to present day.

During this time, only Moses talks with God, so he is acting as a high priest, and going to the Holy Of Holies.. where he meets God and talks with him directly. Bottom line, only high priests like Moses could talk with God directly between the time of Noah and Jesus Christ, and even they had problems with this as the generations came and went, for many reasons, which is part of the reason for Christ’s ministry and death, plus resurrection.

Up to this point, all Old Testament/Torah laws were and still are based on ‘works’, not grace. In other words, if a person wanted to follow God, they are agreeing to the works required, which means sacrificing animals, and obeying all 630 ‘laws as outlined in the Old Testament/Torah. Of course, no one could do this. Bottom line, trying to follow God’s laws based on works alone did not work and still does not work today.

This is one reason why Christ came as Messiah, as predicted 300 times in the Old Testament.


Christ came and brought with him a new law, the law of Grace, which is based on forgiveness.

Christ came for the Jews first, because he was a Jew. The problem was that the Jewish scribes, religious leaders, high priests, Romans and Gentiles all rejected Christ as the Messiah, for the most part. The Jewish religious leaders caused him to be declared guilty after testimony from false witnesses in a Jewish ‘court’, and they then demanded Jesus be crucified via judgement coming from an official Roman court. Despite being smeared, falsely accused by false witnesses, being killed for no reason, and looking like he lost not just the spiritual battle but also the entire spiritual war, Jesus Christ still won everything, and Satan lost everything.

What is important to understand here is that Jesus was all alone, just one person, against the entire WORLD and against Satan plus his army of dark angel Nephilim. Christ had allies around him, in the form of a very small group of apostles and disciples, but even they did not really understand Christ or ‘get’ what was happening, or why Christ was there, until AFTER the resurrection.

Jesus Christ could only have done his job because he was both human and GOD. No human alone could have done what Christ did, like coming back from the dead after 3 days, and then appearing to many hundreds of people, before rising into Heaven, after giving the Holy Spirit to all of the apostles and disciples present in the Upper Room.

What did Christ say were the 2 greatest commandments, that were God inspired and documented throughout entire human history? Why did Christ bring in the law of grace, which applies to all of his followers?

Gospel of Matthew

Wikipedia: “… and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” — Matthew 22:35–40

Gospel of Mark

In the Gospel of Mark, the Shema is included: One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” — Mark 12:28–31

Gospel of Luke

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” — Luke 10:25–28

Old Testament references

Leviticus 19:18

You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord. — Leviticus 19:18


4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. — Deuteronomy 6:4–5

Love the Lord thy God

See also: Agape and Love of God (Christianity)

Matthew Henry sums up the question of which is the great commandment:

It was a question disputed among the critics in the Law. Some would have the Law of Circumcision to be the Great Commandment, others the Law of the Sabbath, others the Law of Sacrifices, according as they severally stood affected, and spent their zeal; now they would try what Christ said to this question, hoping to incense the people against him, if he should not answer according to the vulgar opinion; and if he should magnify one commandment, they would reflect on him as vilifying the rest.[2]

Adam Clarke, in his Commentary on the Bible, wrote:

This is the first and great commandment. It is “first and greatest”:

  1. In its antiquity; being as old as the world, and engraved originally on our very nature.
  2. In its dignity; as directly and immediately proceeding from and referring to God.
  3. In its excellence; being the commandment of the new covenant, and the very spirit of the Divine adoption.
  4. In its justice; because it alone renders to God his due, prefers him before all things, and secures to him his proper rank in relation to them.
  5. In its sufficiency; being in itself capable of making men holy in this life, and happy in the other.
  6. In its fruitfulness; because it is the root of all commandments, and the fulfilling of the law.
  7. In its virtue and efficacy; because by this alone God reigns in the heart of humans, and humans are united to God.
  8. In its extent; leaving nothing to the creature, which it does not refer to the Creator.
  9. In its necessity; being absolutely indispensable.
  10. In its duration; ever to be continued on earth, and never to be discontinued in heaven.[3]

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God” is interpreted by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz to mean “Act in such a manner that God will be beloved by all His creatures.”[4] Consequently, Israel, being, as the priest-people, enjoined like the Aaronite priest to sanctify the name of God and avoid whatever tends to desecrate it (Lev. xxii. 32), is not only obliged to give his life as witness or martyr for the maintenance of the true faith (see Isa. xliii. 12, μάρτυρες; and Pesik. 102b; Sifra, Emor, ix.), but so to conduct himself in every way as to prevent the name of God from being dishonored by non-Israelites.[5]

Twice every day the Jew recites the Shema Yisrael, which contains the words: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deut. vi. 5). This verse is interpreted by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz to enjoin him to willingly surrender life and fortune whenever the cause of God demands it, while it at the same time urges him to make God beloved by all his creatures through deeds of kindness, as Abraham did (Sifre, Deut. 32).[6]

Although only asked about the first commandment, Jesus included the second commandment in his answer. This double reference has given rise to differing views with regard to the relationship that exists between the two commandments, although typically “love thy God” is referred to as “the first and greatest commandment”, with “love thy neighbor” being referred to as “the second great commandment”.[7] It may simply reflect the “seven rules (Middot) of Hillel“, in this case the first one, called Ḳal wa-ḥomer (Hebrew: קל וחומר).

JESUS CHRIST GOLDEN RULE COMMANDMENT; Love your neighbor as yourself

See also: Golden Rule

When asked what the greatest commandment is, the Christian New Testament depicts Jesus answering: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” before adding: “‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”[8] Most Christian denominations view these two commandments as, together, forming the core of the Christian religion. The second passage is considered to be a form of the Golden Rule.[9]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Great Commandment.


Matthew 26:52-53 1599 Geneva Bible 52 [a]Then said Jesus unto him, Put up thy sword into his place: for all that [b]take the sword, shall perish with the sword. 53 [c]Either thinkest thou, that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he will give me more than twelve legions of Angels?

In other words, Christ was telling his future apostle to not use his sword or violence, and to not kill anyone ever again, and to pray for help if needed from the legions of angels that God had available to any of Christ’s followers. God’s angels only act when called and asked, because they cannot do anything other than that.

This verse and others like it, have been more recently ‘reinterpreted’ into a war like Jesus demanding all of his followers arm themselves and to kill people. Satan’s lies are very effective, as are the many false prophets who ignore the blood guilt that was pointed at by God against Caine, after he killed his brother Abel.

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Matthew 26 25 Then Judas [p]which betrayed him, answered, and said, Is it I, master? He said unto him, Thou hast said it.

26 ¶ [q]And as they did eat, Jesus took the bread, and when he had [r]blessed, he brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat: [s]this is my body.

27 Also he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it them, saying, Drink ye [t]all of it.

28 [u]For this is my blood of the [v]new Testament that is shed for many, for the remission of sins.

29 I say unto you that I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day, when I shall drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.


John 14 Jesus said unto him, I have been so long time with you, and hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me, hath seen my Father: how then sayest thou, Show us thy Father?

10 [i]Believest thou not, that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

11 Believe me, that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me: at the least, believe me for the very works’ sake.

12 [j]Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he shall do also, and [k]greater than these shall he do: for I go unto my Father.

13 And whatsoever ye ask in my Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask anything in my Name, I will do it.

15 [l]If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever,

17 Even the [m]Spirit of truth, whom the [n]world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him: for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you fatherless: but I will come to you.”

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Christ left not just his laws, his teachings, his experiences, his parables, his miracles, his rising from the dead, his fulfilling over 300 prophecies, and the Holy Spirit…

What was the First Bible?

When was the First Jerusalem Council held by the apostles of Jesus?

Why has almost no Christian heard about these two things?

Why have almost no Christians ever heard about or read a copy of this First Bible?

What you can do is to order and read the First Bible, and then compare it to later ‘versions’ written for the most part by those who had hidden motives, biases and ‘interpretations’ that led away from the true teachings of Christ who was a pacifist, socialist, Holy Spirit filled Messiah.

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On the one hand, Christ offers the law of grace, which did not exist before he put it in place. But on the other, he also asks his followers to follow the basic ten commandments, because these are basic universal, God created laws, which cannot be broken or violated without negative consequences. Christ does not demand following all of the other 630 Jewish laws, because he came to make those laws obsolete, with the law of grace and forgiveness.

3 Angels Ministries @3AngelsWatchman Daniel 9:11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law (10 commandments), and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him. Wages of breaking the 10 commandments is death, we have a savior who loves us and wants us to surrender to him and KEEP THEM

Matthew 19:17 So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

Matthew 19:18 He said to Him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’

Matthew 19:19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”

REPENT OF ALL SINS Luke 13:1 Repent or Perish There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

Luke 13:2 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things?

Luke 13:3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

Luke 13:5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”


Yeshua knows my name! @MrJim1973 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, Praise the Lord Ephesians 2:8

What Christ accomplished all alone, by Himself as God, was to forgive all sins of every person on the planet, by GRACE alone. Via this law of grace, anyone can be forgiven of all of their sins, via a process of repentance, asking for forgiveness and then by faith, accepting the gift of GRACE that is Jesus Christ and the blood that he shed to cover all bloodguilt, all sins, all violation of all laws.

By establishing the law of Grace, Christ did away with the Jewish priests animal blood sacrifice and burning animals into ashes.

By establishing the law of Grace, Christ did away with the Jewish purification system that was required in the Old Testament, via Levite priests. Christ substituted himself and his holy blood. This also got made obsolete and got rid of the 620 Old Testament/Torah ‘laws’ that had to do with ‘purity’, empty rituals, rites and temple processes/traditions, plus all of the relics of Jewish history such as the Ark, the staff, all gold and silver implements, etc.

By establishing the law of Grace, Christ did away with the temple system of priests talking with God, because that had been so corrupted, that the priests did not even listen to God, nor obey Him anymore, despite 300 prophecies predicting Christ was coming. When Christ appeared as Messiah, he was rejected by the high priests who were supposed to be talking with God and following his Divine Will, despite fulfilling the prophecies in the Old Testament.

By establishing the law of Grace, Christ also brought in the Holy Spirit, which substituted for the Ark of the Covenant, Moses staff, all of the gold and silver implements, all of the priestly rites/traditions and many more of the 620 ‘laws’ in the Old Testament/Torah.

Thanks to Christ, every Christian can now have a direct connection to God, just like Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden. No Levite priests, rites, traditions or laws around the temple, the Holy of Holies, or the ‘rules’ around all of these are needed any longer.

Christ had a short ministry, but it was so powerful, that his apostles wrote it all down and passed it on to us, in the form of the First Bible.

Knowing that Christ brought in the law of grace, and forgiveness, is the 3rd Temple still needed?

Are animal sacrifices still needed?


Which laws should people actually follow when it comes to God? Should everyone follow all 630 Jewish ‘laws’ as stated in their Torah, which is the Old Testament? No. All that is needed is to follow the Law of Grace, and the 2 commandments of Christ.

By establishing the law of Grace, Christ’s two commandments are inclusive of the ten commandments of Moses, the 7 laws of Noah, and the 2 laws of Adam and Eve.

(Revelation 1:7) “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him”

Christ also promised to return and establish His Kingdom on Earth, and to reign with his followers for at least 1,000 years in a New Heaven, and a New Earth. All of the ‘laws of Satan’ would be gotten rid of, because the Garden of Eden would be established once again, without Satan and his laws. That day is coming, but no one knows the exact day or hour.

Many false prophets have given dates, which came and went.


Christ taught everyone how to bring Heaven to Earth, starting with a simple prayer.

Matthew 6 9 [f]“After this manner therefore pray ye, 

Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done even in earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our [g]daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from [h]evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.

14 [i]For if ye do forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

15 But if ye do not forgive men their trespasses, no more will your father forgive you your trespasses.”


2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.