Immutable Law Of God In 13 Bible Verses About Sowing Seeds And Reaping The Harvest; Shocking Cover-up Details Fraud/Lies in Vaccine Injury Cases

THE IMMUTABLE LAW OF GOD; PLANTING SEEDS AND REAPING THE HARVEST AT THE END OF TIME An immutable law of God is that everyone reaps what they sow. If a person plants the seeds of and believes in lies that result in destruction, ill health and death, then that is also what will happen at … Continue reading Immutable Law Of God In 13 Bible Verses About Sowing Seeds And Reaping The Harvest; Shocking Cover-up Details Fraud/Lies in Vaccine Injury Cases

After Bashing It For 3 years, Watching Millions Die, FDA Loses Lawsuit And Admits Ivermectin Legitimate Treatment for Covid-19, FDA Forced To Reverse Horse Dewormer Disinformation

THE IMMUTABLE LAW OF GOD; PLANTING SEEDS AND REAPING THE HARVEST AT THE END OF TIME An immutable law of God is that everyone reaps what they sow. If a person plants the seeds of destruction, ill health and death, then that is also what will happen at the time of harvest or reaping. Likewise, … Continue reading After Bashing It For 3 years, Watching Millions Die, FDA Loses Lawsuit And Admits Ivermectin Legitimate Treatment for Covid-19, FDA Forced To Reverse Horse Dewormer Disinformation

DDT: Week 175 – Creation of a Banana Republic | Nel’s New Day

DDT has a history of glorifying racist protesters, beginning almost three years ago when he called violent white supremacists in Charlottesville (VA) “very good people.” When protesters who tried to open up all business in Michigan carried assault-like rifles and broke into the capitol, DDT told Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to give them what they wanted. … Continue reading DDT: Week 175 – Creation of a Banana Republic | Nel’s New Day

Frontline’s Fukushima "Meltdown" Perpetuates Industry Lie That Tsunami, Not Quake, Started Nuclear Crisis

The nuclear industry, regulators, Japanese government and nuclear apologists like to claim that the Fukushima nuclear meltdown crisis did not start until AFTER the tsnami hit, which destroyed the generators. It is just a little surprising that the Frontline show on PBS took the industry lie as truth. The show bit on the bait, hook, line … Continue reading Frontline’s Fukushima "Meltdown" Perpetuates Industry Lie That Tsunami, Not Quake, Started Nuclear Crisis