The Only Way to Be Healthy in 2020 – YouTube

VIDEO: HUMOR; Healthy habits like exercise, nutrition, and good sleep won’t make you healthy anymore. It’s 2020 and our health authorities are making sure we don’t discuss those habits, because they don’t work anymore. With the pandemic in 2020, this video will show you the only way to be healthy. How to be healthy … Continue reading The Only Way to Be Healthy in 2020 – YouTube

M.A.M.O.N. – Latinos VS. Donald Trump short film M.A.M.O.N. (Monitor Against Mexicans Over Nationwide) is a satirical fantasy sci-fi shortfilm that explores with black humor and lots of VFX the outrageous consequences of Donald Trump´s plan of banning immigration and building an enormous wall on the Mexico - US border. The dark comedy showcases a spectacular fight involving bizarre weapons, and numerous … Continue reading M.A.M.O.N. – Latinos VS. Donald Trump short film

Juice News; Gun Debate in Divided States of America

Source; Foster has once again returned with his rapid-fire flow, this time to drop some knowledge on an issue which fires up the 'Divided States of America' like no other: Gun control.If you want to get your daily dose of laughter but also gain some insight into gun rights, gun control and truth, watch … Continue reading Juice News; Gun Debate in Divided States of America

Bill Maher, George Carlin; Mass Delusion and Need For More Interfaith Communications

(Warning; Adult language via humor.) In this article and video we will explore interfaith communications and differences between religions via atheism as a starting point. Atheism can talk about all religions, because in most cases, people who believe this way do not believe in a Deity or a Trinity, or Holy People, or even Holy Books. … Continue reading Bill Maher, George Carlin; Mass Delusion and Need For More Interfaith Communications

War is a Racket

Note; there is some adult language in the videos below. "War is a Racket by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated … Continue reading War is a Racket