Chris Hedges | We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It

Rise Up Times

The reach and effectiveness of corporate propaganda dwarfs even the huge effort undertaken by Adolf Hitler and Stalin. The layers of deception are sophisticated and effective. News is state propaganda. Elaborate spectacles and forms of entertainment, all of which ignore reality or pretend the fiction of liberty and progress is real, distract the masses.  

By Chris Hedges  June 12, 2016

 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seen on a television monitor addressing her supporters, as reporters file their stories after a June 7 news conference by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. (Mary Altaffer / AP)

In the winter of 1941, a Jewish gravedigger from Chelmo, the western province of Poland, appeared in Warsaw and desperately sought a meeting with Jewish leaders.

He told them the Nazis were rounding up Jews, including the old, women and children, and forcing them into what looked like…

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