“If You’re Losing Hope, You’re Not Doing Enough.” Wise Words From Actor Mark Ruffalo – Collective Evolution

Something I see on a daily basis while moderating comments for our Facebook page is people who have either completely given up hope, or people who never had any in the first place. The sense seems to be that the issues we currently face are just ‘the way things are,’ and there’s nothing to we can do to change them.

It is much easier to place the blame on others for society’s ills than it is to look inside and see what we can do to actually make a difference. Most people are quick to blame, but unwilling to look at themselves and accept responsibility for their own actions and recognize that we are all ‘part of the problem.’

But in the video below, actor and longtime activist Mark Ruffalo shares with us a powerful message: “If you’re losing hope, then you aren’t doing enough.”

Source: “If You’re Losing Hope, You’re Not Doing Enough.” Wise Words From Actor Mark Ruffalo – Collective Evolution