Republicans Keep Pushing the Boundaries Into Lawlessness Because That Is Their Endgame

Republicans Keep Pushing the Boundaries Into Lawlessness Because That Is Their Endgame

It is the myth of American Exceptionalism that reassures us that we are fundamentally different than Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s.  They went there, we are told, because Germans crave order and Hitler gave them order.

But Germany was an advanced nation with a high degree of literacy.  It’s citizens were well educated.  Hitler didn’t need to win on the battlefield of ideas.  He only had to create an opening that he could drive a tank through.

We are no different today.  In a way we are more vulnerable because of the outsized role that Fox News and iHeart radio have on millions of Americans.  Science has advanced understanding of crowd control through propaganda to a fine art, something that Goebbels was only inventing at the time.  And as we well know, Republicans have become masters of propaganda.  Their Think Tanks have been studying it for decades.

Neither are Fox or iHeart central players by happenstance.  This is all part of a long term plan to control public opinion with the endgame of destroying our two party system in favor of an autocratic system of corporate monopolies acting as modern day fiefdoms.  This is what their ideology teaches.  It has been their stated goal, to drown our democracy in a bathtub.

via Daily Kos Republicans Keep Pushing the Boundaries Into Lawlessness Because That Is Their Endgame