Christian Drosten & the Fraud Behind COVID 19 PCR Testing | Principia Scientific Intl.

This begs the question; Did Drosten design this PCR protocol in order to trigger a “case-demic”? A recent scientific research paper by 22 top-class scientists substantiates this suspicion, as they have refuted the scientific basis of the Drosten study, which served as the test protocol adopted by the WHO. Also, initial court decisions have confirmed the unscientific nature of the Drosten study and his PCR test. With his unscientific study and the unfit-for-purpose test based on it, this one man has significantly steered the entire Corona scenario: Christian Drosten – Not only he himself, but also the test he developed proves to be implausible upon close examination.

Olfert Landt is one of the regular co-authors of Drosten’s studies – including the current Corona test publication. He is also the owner of the Berlin biotech company TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH, which produces Corona PCR tests. Drosten and Landt have apparently discovered a successful “business model”: in the case of pandemics and the most diverse viral outbreaks, they jointly develop a PCR test for them: this was already the case in 2002/2003 for SARS, in 2011 for EHEC, in 2012 for MERS, in 2016 for the Zika virus, in 2017 for yellow fever.

It is always the same trick, which they have now resorted to again for the Corona panic. Landt also admitted this to the Berliner Zeitung: “The test, the design, the development, came from the Charité. We just immediately converted that into a kit format. When you don’t have the virus, which was initially only available in Wuhan, we can make a synthetic gene [i.e. using computer modelling] to simulate the virus genome. We did that very quickly.”

via Charité Berlin, of which Drosten is the Institute Director, was in receipt of around $335,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in December 2019 and March 2020. This foundation is by no means altruistic, but is known for its proximity to the vaccine industry.

Christian Drosten & the Fraud Behind COVID 19 PCR Testing | Principia Scientific Intl.