NATO officers leading the war against Russia are surrounded in Mariupol. – The Collective of One

There is another piece of information to pick on: the Russian army has captured US Army Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier in Mariupol. The Pentagon neither confirms nor denies this information. The information comes from Kiev via an American working there and the news was published on the Hal Turner Radio Show website.

But let’s continue with the speculation. If the general was in Mariupol, he would be the liaison with the AWACS data transmission system, acting as an advisor and working with the information received from US satellites.

Further evidence has been found that two foreign instructors were found in a Ukrainian helicopter that was not evacuated from the port area of Mariupol two days ago. French digital media have started to spread Gallia Daily’s information about the death of at least two high-ranking French army officers near Mariupol.

French spokesmen deny everything, but Chinese journalists visited the crash site and confirmed the presence of French documents on the bodies.

NATO officers leading the war against Russia are surrounded in Mariupol. – El colectivo de Uno / The Collective of One