Dr Ute Kruger: COVID vaccination and turbo cancer: pathological evidence, English subtitles

In this video (26 min, Swedish with English subtitles), MD/pathologist Ute Krueger describes her findings on breast cancer and other cancers in the era of gene-based COVID vaccines. She finds increased numbers of cancers, in younger patients, which are larger in size and growing more rapidly and aggressively already at the time of the initial diagnosis.

Ute Kruger: COVID vaccination and turbo cancer: pathological evidence with English subtitles

One thought on “Dr Ute Kruger: COVID vaccination and turbo cancer: pathological evidence, English subtitles

  1. A national Medical Forum is needed on the COVID Vaccines with Med professionals who are for and against the Vaccines, too much controversy.

    And do not forget, the US Marines will be needed for Security.


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