The Credit Card Hustle by Billionaires, Banks & the Fed – Bible Verses About Charging Interest To The Poor

Proverbs 21:2 People may be right in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their heart.


Exodus 22:25If you lend money to My people, to the poor among you, you are not to act as a creditor to him; you shall not charge him interest.

Leviticus 25:35-37Now in case a countryman of yours becomes poor and his means with regard to you falter, then you are to sustain him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you. Do not take usurious interest from him, but revere your God, that your countryman may live with you. You shall not give him your silver at interest, nor your food for gain.

Deuteronomy 23:19You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest.

Ezekiel 22:12 In you they have taken bribes to shed blood; you have taken interest and profits, and you have injured your neighbors for gain by oppression, and you have forgotten Me,” declares the Lord God.

1 Timothy 6:9 But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction.


Historically, followers of Christ have not charged interest to other Christians and/or anyone who was not royalty/priest, in order to gain favor from God and Christ, because Christ was an anti capitalist socialist. Historically, Christians allowed Jewish people to do this job called money lending (with interest). Since Jewish people were almost never Christians, it meant they did not have to follow this Biblical mandate or spiritual rule. This meant that Jewish people started banks and loaned money via compound interest. They financed nations waging war with each other, lending money to both sides, which made Jewish people very, very ultra wealthy. More recently, it made them the ‘owners’ of private for profit central banks that could print money and then charge interest on that money to entire nations and the world.

Jews And Finance

“This is commonly attributed to the fact that for centuries, Jews were excluded from professional guilds and denied the right to own land, forcing them to work as merchants and financiers. ……. Additionally, medieval Christian theology held that charging interest (known as usury) was sinful, which kept many Christians from becoming financiers. The field thus came to be dominated by Jews. The historian Howard Sachar has estimated that in the 18th century, “perhaps as many as three-fourths of the Jews in Central and Western Europe were limited to the precarious occupations of retail peddling, hawking, and ‘street banking,’ that is, moneylending.” The fact that Christians regarded such occupations as incompatible with their religious principles fed the notion that Jews were morally deficient, willing to engage in unethical business practices that decent people had rejected.

The article above also discusses the roots of antisemitism.


May 2021 Original; “Based on the average interest rate charged on credit card balances of 15.9%, that pay-down of $157 billion in credit card balances that consumers somehow engineered represents $25 billion a year in lost interest income for the banks!

That’s why banks are trying so hard to get consumers to borrow on their credit cards again. And that’s why the New York Fed, which is owned by the financial institutions in its district, finds that pay-down so “confounding.” We’re talking about $25 billion a year in banking income here.

The interest rate can be over 30% for consumers that cannot pay off their credit cards. If they had enough cash to pay off their credit cards at this rate, they would. But they’re stuck. Consumers that pay off their credit cards every month are often offered lower interest rates, but they don’t need to borrow on their credit cards. Banks also offer teaser rates of 0%, and then after a set period – after the consumer charged up the credit card and can no longer pay it off and is thereby stuck – the teaser rate switches to 29.9%.

Call it the credit card hustle.

The Credit Card Hustle by the Banks & the Fed Hits Rough Spot | Wolf Street


The Fed is charging interest as well. How many people know that the Federal Reserve is a private for PROFIT corporation, pretending to be part of the government? How many people would call this a fiat money hustle?

Usury: The Crime of the Ages. “Bankers’ Greed”

“We need to remember that the Christian era began when Jesus made his last visit to Jerusalem by going to the Temple and throwing out the money lenders who had desecrated it.

The Temple symbolizes, of course, all human God-given life.

When usury became widespread after 1500, citizens gradually lost all their rights and their human sanctity when they became debtors to the money lenders and were legally mere chattel whose entire well-being, and even their lives (debtors prisons), were sacrificed to the bankers’ greed.

There is no accountability and no control by taxpayers about how much money they can print, nor does anyone report on what happens to all of that taxpayer generated capitalistic PROFIT on the PUBLIC taxpayer generated interest payments that go on forever and ever.

Where does all of that taxpayer generated money go? Who ends up with it?

M1 money supply

The money supply is not hooked to anything. Fiat money generated by a private for profit corporation currently has no connection to gold or silver. There is nothing backing the dollar, other than ‘trust’.

Whoever decides to print as much money as they want can do so for no reason at all, and just get the printing presses running and then charge interest on whatever is printed as pointed to by the M1 money supply graph.

Does printing huge amounts of fiat dollars out of thin air and then charging the public interest on it, make any sense at all, or would you call that a hustle as well?


Average interest rate charged on credit card balances in 2021 was 15.9%

Average credit card interest rates in 2024 20 to 25 percent

Is more credit card debt showing that people overall are living in luxury and can afford all of this debt because they have such huge incomes?

Or is rising credit card debt an indication that people getting extremely desperate and living on their credit cards due to insufficient income, due to getting squeezed by higher inflation, higher prices, and wages not keeping up? Could it be that consumers are living off credit cards, because the next step is getting tossed out on the street, and homelessness?

Could charging this kind of interest rate be called usury according to the Bible, and might people agree that especially for poor people, this is just another hustle?

Credit card balances have been rising steadily over the years, thus increasing bank income, so the billionaires who control and own these banks are very happy. The billionaires are very happy that everyone seems to be willing to take any scraps thrown their way via part time jobs at minimum wages that have not changed in generations, with no benefits. The billionaires are very happy to charge even the poorest people a 20 – 30 percent interest rate IF they get approved for any credit card, car loan, or pay day loan.

Report: Q1 2024
Blog: Delinquency Is Increasingly in the Cards for Maxed-Out Borrowers
Press Release: Household Debt Balances Rise by 184 Billion in Q1 2024; Delinquency Transition Rates Increased Across All Debt Types


Why is it that billionaires can commonly lie, cheat, and scam people in all kinds of ways and commit outright fraud, but they are never charged, never held accountable and never seem to go to prison?

Any average person without a huge pile of money behind them would be in prison for lying and cheating the government, or for cheating many millions of fellow US citizens.

Aren’t we all supposed to be equal under the law, per the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud

What happens when someone pretends to be a Christian, just to get in their wallets and steal their money?

Randy @rakentzel How many credit cards are still getting hit. Read a story couple months ago guys neighbor moving out – just the wife. Her husband borrowed 75,000 on their house that was just a couple months from paid off – gave it to trump. She had enough.

kdunnez @_The_Phantom_1_ Replying to @RonFilipkowski Trump definitely loves you and if you provide him with your credit card info he will show his love by charging it over and over and over until you cancel it.

There will be an end to all of this greed, corruption, and evil.

John 16:8 – NLT And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.


What if we the people decided we have had enough of the lying, avarice, usury, greed, fraud, and debt enslavement?

What if we the people created a law that abolished the private, for profit Federal Reserve?

What if we the people set up a public banking system, that did not charge interest and fees to the public, nor on bank accounts?

What if we the people set up a public bank for the entire nation and the money supply was tied to something of actual value like gold and silver, thus making our money something of real value? (That would make it much harder to just print money out of thin air, for no reason at all)

Remember when Kennedy tried to abolish the Federal Reserve and set up a gold backed dollar, and he was killed for it? BRICS is now doing what Kennedy tried to do, and the US ‘owners’ are resisting it by waging war against the BRICS nations that are setting this up.

Could the U.S. Have a Public Banking System With No-Fee Bank Accounts?

What we the people can do now, is to move money to smaller local credit unions and financial or other coops, where the ‘owners’ are the same ordinary people who deposit their money there and they have a vote plus a say in how things are done.


1 Corinthians 2:12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.

3 thoughts on “The Credit Card Hustle by Billionaires, Banks & the Fed – Bible Verses About Charging Interest To The Poor

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