With Ivermectin in Hand, Wife Died While Husband Begged Hospital to Administer It; What Is Mass Psychosis And Who Causes It?

“Ivermectin has helped in some cases,  but across the United States, many hospitals don’t include it in their COVID protocol for treatment and refuse to use it, even as a last effort on a dying patient.

Buffalo, New York attorney Ralph Lorigo has spent the last 11 months handling cases where the family wants to try Ivermectin and must get a court order to force hospitals to allow the drug to be administered. DeLuca had Lorigo draw up papers for court, but because Lorigo doesn’t practice in New Jersey, he instructed DeLuca to find a New Jersey attorney to file the papers and handle the case. However, DeLuca couldn’t find an attorney willing to take on the case.

“They kept telling me the magistrates of New Jersey will never let this go through. Now I’ve got to go through the next 25 years without her,” grief stricken David DeLuca, 62, told The Epoch Times. “My 3-year-old granddaughter kisses her photo at night.”

With Ivermectin in Hand, Wife Dies While Husband Begs Hospital to Administer – National Addiction News

Fascism is total top down control of all levers of power, including politics, healthcare, banking, military, etc.

Could fascism be defined as what is now happening in the USA and other countries?

Why is there no freedom of choice allowed in Big Pharma?

Why can’t people decide of their own free will and free choice what remedies or drugs they want to take or administer to their loved ones?

Who decided that a single award winning safe and effective generic drug could not be prescribed, taken, administered, or allowed inside of any clinic, hospital, pharmacy, or doctors office?


The Covid pandemic’ was part of a GLOBAL mass psychosis, where insane ‘rules’ put in place by a few all powerful psychopaths. They transferred TRILLIONS from small businesses and taxpayers to themselves, via sleight of hand, deception, lies and total top down control of governments, health agencies and mass media.

Just a few psychopathic individuals hidden behind the scenes were the ones pulling all of the strings. They got to decide what happened between a doctor and their patient, while also censoring all news, denying all rights, and getting rid of all freedoms. Normally, that is called either dictatorship or fascism.

The formula for generating mass psychosis (inside of a fascist system) consists of;

  1. generating FEAR and TERROR via DOOM/GLOOM sky is falling lies, deception and Big Pharma propaganda
  2. using divide and conquer tactics
  3. bribery, threats, firings, exclusion, demonizing, character assassination, smearing, shaming, guilting
  4. forcing the giving up of all rights and freedoms
  5. in order to force everyone to jab an untested substance into themselves
  6. without any full informed consent
  7. all of which was designed to PROFIT just a few psychopaths at the top, hidden from sight
  8. the ones who lied and causing millions to die are totally free of all accountability and are outside of the justice system, because they MAKE the laws, but never follow them